Is Chia Explorer not updating?

Is Chia Explorer not updating? I use it to track payments to my offline wallet and it shows the last payment on Feb 25th. Should be seeing a 0.1 transaction every 2 days. I checked Space pool and they are showing payments, and I also checked XCHSCAN and it shows the latest transactions, so I’m not to worried. Just wondering what’s up with Chia Explorer. Anyone else seeing any issues with that site?

Are you sure you are checking the correct receive address? One Wallet may have plenty receive adresses and Chia explorer may not check other addresses associated to that wallet.

I’m also seeing some of the charts are not updating after the 26th, such as Netspace and difficulty, but yet the chia price chart is up to date.

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You are right. Seems like its down or something. Shows 0 xch on my address but I know there’s 0.1

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Same here - doesn’t show my latest transactions on march 1st but does show them.

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You can use, its updaiting