Is there any reason to continue Chia?

plot baby plot baby, that’s all we can do…

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Excuse me , is thair any way i can tell the internet from its clone? Any famos hash thet i can check?

You need to use that way you can be sure, but only for pro otan sites

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One is speculation, i.e. investment the other is mining or capitalism, where you the people own the means of production.

Think of your farm like a car shop. It makes you an income. But you are saying you could just buy some cars and keep them. Why would you want to own 148 cars unless you were in the car selling business?

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4 8 ? U mean port ? Thets the way from my pc to the brige then to the data holders? I mean the addres keepers? Idc what was it again 48?

Nato my ass999999999

Fine , just tell them to make the consitrated tomato without suger

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I made it most of the way thru.

File coin doesn’t want wales.

I went to their forums for advice and help with finishing the setup. Super helpfull. Along time ago.

Cheating on my chia farm… anyway

also informed me
I had to much storage :joy::sweat_smile:
And that it didn’t make sense for me. Common chia farmer.


Lookup how the coin works and you will see.

So there’s that.

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Same here… before making decision, ask around, then invest about 2500usd in rig, now can not use anymore :slight_smile:

You have a bunch of shit that still has residual value. HDDs and computer hardware have intrinsic value.

This is a better decision than buying a speculative token.


I would not invest in any blockchain that utilizes “USEFUL” data like filecoin … because any system that uses proof of arbitrary data is vulnerable to the following attack and there isn’t really a decentralized way to mitigate that:

Using only a small seed number, I could generate a near-infinite stream of random data that I don’t have to actually store! I can just recompute it on-the-fly every time a challenge comes in. With some modifications, this works even if the challenge is for a specific offset into the data stream Since no one else knows my secret seed number, they’re compelled to store all the raw data of the stream But I have a massive unfair advantage since I can just generate it

This is one reason why Chia doesn’t use “proof of useful space”

if this attack isn’t happening already, it will definitely be in the future when the market value of such a blockchain goes to the moon …

Just came across this while cleaning out my notifications and was wondering if what happened to filecoin is exactly what you had predicted I know they had some serious issues now i gotta go read it and see what actually happened cuz i feel like what you said way back in feb is what i thought i read was happening to filecoin now that destabilized their blockchain


Ah interesting but no idea what technical causes are.

To me it seems like another kind of issue because I read they are having issues with producing blocks … and they are currently performing some upgrades (forks) to fix their tech issues. Thich is indicating to me it’s not what I described in my previous message. The attack I described is just impossible to fix while staying truly decentralized at the same time…

What I describe will eventually happen sooner or later, and there is simply no way to do anything about it, except turning filecoin into a permissioned blockchain and add a form of (semi) centralized authority or whatever after which it’s no decentralized network anymore

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The only change they made was adding retrieval providers to allow faster access to the data stored by the storage providers. I thought they were in more trouble than they are I guess I know there was some uncertainty with the providers I think they know there’s going to be problems coming. What do you think about the other projects that allow you to earn with either storage or computing power like hosting flux nodes or storj or the one that was allowing providers to earn with graphics computing? Do you think any have potential long-term? I wanna get involved with something and utilize this enterprise grade hardware to earn after I replot with it. I thought filecoin was the way to go but it’s a big investment to make if there is uncertainty even with the hardware its still a lot to get the needed FIL to secure you’re share of the network and you have to hold a good amount so if it goes to shit you could loose a fortune quickly as a storage provider. You definitely have the potential to earn a lot though assuming it doesn’t collapse. Storj is easy to provide storage for I run one now I wanted to see how it would work. You can definitely earn a lot more per TB than with chia but their SP rates are fluctuating and it sounds like they are going to have to drop them down a lot more just to not go under they are losing money paying out the current rates.

RNDR was the one utilizing providers with gpus its for artists though not computing I was mistaken. I have no clue how accurate it is but their calculator shows each 3080 could earn anywhere from $35-$285 a day depending on priority level that goes from Low Priority to Secure which most people would be the bottom tier but still would be good money. I filled out their form and have been in the que since early march though with nothing back there’s a huge waitlist.

The problem with filecoin/storj and with RNDR as well, is the lack of demand for those services (decentralized storage and decentralized gpu compute). I’m always watching for the takeoff, and it’s not taking off. The only way to generate instant revenues at maximum capacity is mining/farming.

I’ve been farming with storj too but if I had to switch from Chia to Storj entirely, most of my disks would sit empty.


I imagine corporate customers are a tough sell once they find out their data is safely stored on Captain_Plots-a-lots’s janky Celeron in his basement. Encrypted or otherwise, it doesn’t meet quota for most businesses’ controls. The tech is super neat though.


Chia has Hard Drives as underlying value. I wouldn’t buy something that has nothing under the hood. USD was also backed by gold 30 years ago but after they choice to not back it anymore you see what happend to the dollar. Everything they can make more out of air isn’t good as investment because it will lose value. BTW AMC AND GME TO THE MOON!

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Do you remember BitTorrent?

Yeah, I’m stacking and HODL :sunglasses:


Yeah you are absolutely right about that bro and storj is going to get worse but if we could keep even half probably not even of the storage full it would be so much more profitable which sounds like for a while was possible but now its getting kinda sketchy i think its going to fail. Filecoin still makes me nervous because of the massive investment required to get involved but idk maybe only one is going to survive and if thats the case I think it will be them. RENDR is in a unique position right now with the massive demand that is needed right now for gpu computing for machine learning and other ai applications with I am pretty positive is what they are trying to tap into now. It sounds like its kinda similar to storj though they wouldnt really answer directly and didnt wanna give any financial advice but the people who have been doing implied that those insane figures for earnings are actually accurate, they just assume full utilization and perfect network connections and all that so it sounds like its still by far the most profitable thing to do with GPUS besides creating your own gpu servers and leasing nodes directly for databases and machine learning and all that. If you still have a bunch of gpus laying around though you could make good money with it for a while anyway. I dont think it requires any staking but as you said demand. if they had the demand needed to sustain they probably would have at least gotten to people like me by now who signed up for the wait list 4-5 months ago or wte it was. The guys in the telegram said the wait is two years now for anyone trying to sign up and they arent even accepting anymore though if I go on and fill the form out again with a diff email and list all my hardware with the enterprise grade server and stuff they still accept it. So it seems like theyre refusing small residential single gpu providers and trying to replace them with people who can actually host the gpus with the other hardware needed to utilize them for machine learning and other things vs just rendering for artists. and its probably not economical to have too many providers each only providing a tiny bit it would make more sense to let providers grow their hardware over time but also weed out the ones that arent going to and have 1000 reliable providers with enterprise grade equipment vs 100,000 with garbage networking and a gpu running in a shitty computer thats off half the time. I think STORJ would do a lot better if they incentivize bigger professional providers instead of a million tiny ones with one hard drive each like they have now it doesn’t make sense. RENDR had some type of conversaion with elon musk about providing gpu computing for the rest of the AI development for the self driving cars which he said he didn’t have access to the computing power needed to finish it and was going to have to get it from somwhere. IDK how serious it was it kinda seemed like he was just joking but im looking now and people are making youtube videos and shit about “how render will solve elon musk” and theyre theorizing elon musk will make a deal with them. It was really just a comment that they made on elon musks tweet and he replied and people lost their minds but it doesn’t really mean anything. He did say he needs what 40,000 gpus just to even run the model he needs to run 24/7 once its live. I don’t think he would rely on a random network of people to supply all the gpu computing power needed to run the whole tesla self driving ai model since so many lives will depend on it once it is live. It would be huge though. People keep talking about a GPU shortage though which isn’t really happening. 2021 that was a shortage there’s no shortage now though and won’t be anytime soon but maybe down the road if the need for it keeps growing exponentially and eventually overwhelms Nvidia again but they are probably prepared for that so as long as there is no raw material shortages I’m sure they are prepared to ramp up manufacturing when they need to. If there was a shortage again it could def be a game changer for RNDR. You ever look into hosting nodes for ZIL at all? I have looked into it nothing like i did with FIL but its something you could get in with a small node for cheap and get a feel for it at least. Filecoin you just gotta go balls deep and hope it works out haha the amount of FIL some of these guys are stakig that I have talked to is insane. You can also earn high 6 figures and be close to 7 figures by your second year if it maintained as it has so far until then. I like how they have in person training events and other support for providers and if you participate it seems like they help you with financing to a certain extent with another company they work with. if you can keep up with the staking as you fill the storage you could earn insane money. You could also lose everything in a day if it tanks outta nowhere though. if it happens and you’re at a point in the process where you have all your capital tied up in that plus the capital you’d have to finance unless you’re already rich when you start it would be game over for real. The only good news would be that company financing people would probably be gone and wouldnt be coming to collect if it happened haha