Is this ok? ERROR Exception: Failed to fetch block

From time to time I get this type of error:
ERROR Exception: Failed to fetch block

  • I managed to port forward 8444 and the system is now perfectly reachable from the outside.
  • Running Chia GUI on Ubuntu installed via the experimental installer.
  • On the same network I have two other windows machines running Chia GUI but they have UPnP disabled in config.yaml to avoid conflicts.

I’ve set the log to INFO but didn’t restart chia yet, so here is what I got so far in the log:

2021-04-29T11:26:42.010 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x7f97967d9a60> at, exception Stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/server/", line 230, in incoming_connection
  File "chia/server/", line 59, in __init__
ValueError: Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x7f97967d9a60> at 106.226.X.X

2021-04-29T11:36:48.853 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 203388 from {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out, {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/server/", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/full_node/", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 357, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia/full_node/", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 203388 from {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-29T11:36:48.855 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 203388 from {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out <class 'ValueError'>, closing connection {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/server/", line 521, in api_call
  File "asyncio/", line 494, in wait_for
  File "chia/server/", line 518, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/server/", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/full_node/", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 357, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia/full_node/", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 203388 from {'host': '62.57.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-29T11:36:48.933 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning 62.57.X.X for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T11:52:30.189 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 203448 from {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out, {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/server/", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/full_node/", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 357, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia/full_node/", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 203448 from {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-29T11:52:30.191 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 203448 from {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out <class 'ValueError'>, closing connection {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/server/", line 521, in api_call
  File "asyncio/", line 494, in wait_for
  File "chia/server/", line 518, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/server/", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia/full_node/", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 357, in new_peak
  File "chia/full_node/", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia/full_node/", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 203448 from {'host': '91.74.X.X', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-29T11:52:30.191 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning 91.74.X.X for 10 seconds

I’ve cleaned some IPs from the log, don’t know if posting them is a good idea

Yes because Full Nodes go offline and online all the time. Not sure what the banning is about yet. It usually says they’re running old software or a different protocol.


Oh wow thanks again for the info! :slight_smile: very kind.

So I am not doing anything wrong running multiple Chia GUI in the same network having UPnP enabled only in one of them?

Maybe it’s not the best practice but it shouldn’t create conflicts, right?