Json Metadata (CHIP-0007) help thread

So, im on it for hours now and I don’t manage to get my json comply to CHIP-0007 according to SpaceScan.io

This is why I open this thread. Feel free to post here as well if you are having issues with your json. Perhaps we can find a solution.

If you can help me out figuring what the issue in this json is, Id be glad as well:

    "format": "CHIP-0007",
    "name": "CryptoCrest - Skeleton King - #1",
    "description": "This is the very first minted NFT of the CryptoCrests Collection",
    "minting_tool": "Kryptomine.ch MintingTool",
    "sensitive_content": false,
    "series_number": 1,
    "series_total": 10000,
    "attributes": [
        "trait_type": "Subseries",
        "value": "Skeleton Kings"
        "trait_type": "Colorfulness",
        "value": 1,
        "min_value": 0,
        "max_value": 5
        "trait_type": "Style",
        "value": "CGI"
        "trait_type": "Special Effects",
        "value": "Simple"
        "trait_type": "Background",
        "value": "Simple"
    "collection": {
        "name": "CryptoCrests",
        "id": "80483276-5bb2-11ed-9b6a-0242ac120003",
        "attributes": [
            "type": "description",
            "value": "CryptoCrests is a collection of 10,000 unique Coat of Arms. \nYour CryptoCrest can be used as an identier such as a family crest, group-logo or guild icon. \nThe NFT will be fully used to found Kryptomine's fully backed crypto-assets and may identify you as a supporter of Kryptomine.ch. \nAs a supporter, you may be eglible to Special offers and/or early access in the Future.Visit www.Kryptomine.ch for more details."
            "type": "icon",
            "value": "https://bafybeiboisldht4cshaztgpkhtgdc42pyikedjramj6eziscyzi6kvkhdm.ipfs.nftstorage.link/"
            "type": "banner",
            "value": "https://bafybeigqldcfxwo24s37236gsryvhdlrp3uqqrbet7pynerkgommbfqp2u.ipfs.nftstorage.link/"
            "type": "website",
            "value": "https://kryptomine.ch/products/nfts/crypto-crests.html"
            "type": "twitter",
            "value": "@KryptomineCH"

according to https://www.jsonschemavalidator.net/, the json complies to schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chia-Network/chips/main/assets/chip-0007/schema.json

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Have you tried posting in the Support Channel for the Spacescan Discord? They are usually pretty helpful. I looked at it and didn’t see anything obvious to me either.

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i posted everywhere, no answer :sweat_smile:
I guess thats a github issue then.

Anyways, if anyone has issues with building a proper json, feel free to post.

for anyone using c#, there is a fully chip-0007 compliant library that I made:

supports loading, saving and editing of chia nft metadata.

Its also available on nuget in visual studio:

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