Last height farmed: 0 meaning

Hey all,

I’ve been running my farm for over a year now. I have won multiple blocks over time, and yet my “chia farm summary” command gives me the following output:

Farming status: Farming
Total chia farmed: 0.0
User transaction fees: 0.0
Block rewards: 0.0
Last height farmed: 0

I’m running the latest version (1.8.x) via CLI. Is it because I’m using pool plots?

are you using flexfarmer?

I don’t believe so. I guess flexfarmer is smth related to flex pool. I’m using pool plots but faming solo using vanilla chia farmer.

Farming with a pool means you only get 0.25 Farmer Rewards in your wallet. Payments from the pool are incoming transactions so not Block Rewards. Afaik the Farmer Rewards should be counted in the chia farm summary output, unless you have set an alternative (cold) wallet address for those rewards. Then the summary command does not show them.

EDIT I see you’re farming solo but same thing. If you’ve set alternative receive addresses (f.i. to a cold wallet) the chia farm summary output won’t show received block rewards as they did not land in your default wallet. If you didn’t change the receive addresses… ???