Make Plotting Hard: Proposing K35 minimum Plot

Creating a non compressed k34 plot takes a little over 4x the time compared to creating a non compressed k32 plot (and the k34 file will be a little over 4x the size of the k32 file). It also takes more RAM. 64 GB is enough, along with a 2TB SSD (k34 requires approximately 1.25 TB of temp space).

k35 and k36 are also doable with 64 GB of RAM. But k35 requires more than 4 TB temp space, and k36 is probably close to 9 TB of temp space.

For kicks, I created a k36 plot:

I did not have enough RAM to try a k37, and it would probably have taken a fortnight to complete.

And although there are 8 TB SSDs (even 64 TB SSDs), they are prohibitively expensive. And I have no idea if anyone makes a fast one, that remains fast, for more than a small portion of the drive’s cache.

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