Make Queue Plots = DiskFull

My configuration make 3 plots in parallel without crash in around 6 hours
I would now like to be able to throw 50 plots in the queue but with only 3 at the same time.

So I launched manueli 50 plots with a delay of 7 hours without tail
Then after my deadline I restart 50 plots (50 minutes of delais)
and finally a 3rd time this manipulation.

so technically this seems correct since I have 3 plots in the process of being made and 47 in queue.
Perfefct but with this procedure.

My 1TB disk where I plot is full and everything therefore stops … retry in five minutes!
this disque it’s empty 964GiB
I don’t understand that just 3 it works fine
and why that with this manipulation.
Disk is Full !

A gentlemen’s track?

First you need to trim your drive
the best way to plot is to used command in powershell,you have all that here in the forum guide

Windows has TRIM built in, there shouldn’t be any need to do that manually?

I’ve never know that. Thanks