Maxiopool FPPS payout scheme is now Live

Thanks for the reply. It finished almost after I posted this. Also how long before I can see on the Maxiopool dashboard.

no worries :slight_smile:

as soon as the pool receives the first partial from your launcher id

Maxiopool is now at 15.40 PiB Thank you for your trust!

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We have 100% uptime since launch. Pool Status Page is Now Live at

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Just a quick question. I joined your pool about a week back. First the payout increased for a couple of days, and then it is declining every day, even though I am adding plots. What can be the reason for that. All the harvester are online all the time.

Hi, I am not sure when you joined pool, but the global netspace has made its all time high recently, as our rate is pegged to the it, so the increase in global netspace will reduce your payout by roughly the same %

Assuming you had no restarts, outages, plotting can also hurt your farm’s performance, perhaps share your Launcher ID with me by sending me a DM either here or on our discord.
