Missing some plots in chia gui

Now that you know which drives have the questionable plots, it is time to identify each one.

Open a command prompt and run:
chia plots check -g plot-whatever.plot (copy / paste the plot name).

When chia has an issue with a plot, you will see some error or warning in the output of the above command.

You might want to run the above, first selecting a plot from a drive where all of your plots are known to be good.
That will give you a look at what the output of “chia plots check -g …” is supposed to look like when checking a good plot.

Then when you run the above using each name of the plots on the drives you identified, you will come across other messages in the output, when you arrive at checking one of the bad plots.

There is a way to check all of the plots in one shot, but it will take more time to explain, and the output will be lengthy, because you will see loads of info from plot after plot. So one at a time I think is best.

Note that when you find the plots in question, you will either get warnings, errors, or the command might report that it could not find the plot. They all add up to the same thing: that you found a bad plot.

Also, the output of the above command will be wide (long lines of text). It will wrap around, and could be a bit difficult to read. So stretch your command prompt window to be very wide.

Lastly, you should change directory to the location of where you have “chia.exe” installed.

dir/b/s \chia.exe
The above will show you where chia.exe resides. Go to that directory, and run the command as I described above.

Make sure that all of your drives are added back. If you have any missing, then the above command will find none of the plots on those drives.