Multiple NFTs farming on the same computer for the same mining pool

I created two plot NFT connect to the same pool:
They were working very well before 2022-3-17, since worked on different machine.
After that, with some reason, I have moving them together, working on single machine. Then one of the plot NFT could not be recognized by xchpool.

This is the plot NFT that not work well any more, and I’m changing to self-farming.

This is how can I confirms that it has really disabled.

Can you tell me if my problem is not solvable on the same computer? Thx a lot!

Hi & welcome @Bllose,

I’m not sure if this will solve your issue but it sounds kind of like a recurring problem people have when moving Plot NFT’s from one machine to a new one. I believe when I had this issue, it was still farming even though the NFT was unknown to the GUI.

The solution is to either delete the blockchain database and let it re-sync again. Once the chain passes the block where the NFT’s were added, they will both appear again.

If you still have the config.yaml file from the machine you moved the plots from, the pool & NFT info can be copied from the old config to the new one.Find the pool configuration from the old machine and copy it into config.yaml on the new machine, and after restarting Chia the NFTs should appear. The configuration is under pool → pool_list and will have a launcher_id key in it. Copying this to the new config will make the NFT appear without needing to sync the blockchain again.

In case this is relevant, here are some references to the same problem.
