Myth BuSters - Compressed C8 vs official plots profitability/wattage study (FlexPool)

Your math is flawed.

Explain to me why a C8 plot would earn 20% less XCH / month ?

The whole point of plot compression is to have a smaller plot with the same result. Every K32 is equal, no matter the compression level.

It’s not, the power draw difference between difficulty 100 and 1000 is almost zero. From 1 to 20 is where you save the most, it’s an exponential decay.

Just plain wrong.

You should also learn the difference between W and Wh, Wh is not Watt per hour, it’s Watt times hour. So a power draw of 10 Watt for one hour would be 10 Wh.

Based on your own claims for power usage, 0.2932 kWh/TiB/month for normal plots and 0.3312 kWh/TiB/month for C8 Gigahorse, we can say farming with C8 costs you 13% more in power per effective netspace.

Assuming that your uncompressed profit margin is 50% (ie. half the XCH farmed goes to pay power bill), we can say that C8 will increase your profit by: (100 + 42 - 3 - 13/2) / 100 = 1.325 = 132.5 % - 100 = 32.5 %