No win after chia 1.3.3 - 1.3.5

Don’t change the subject.
@Jacek asked for a beer.

Speaking of normal shutdowns. I have noticed that when my GUI screen goes white and I have to do the “Reload” option under the view menu. When I shut down the software the next time. It doesn’t display all the steps like normal. Normally is shows the list of services and they disappear as they shut down. When it is in this state, the services list does not show up. It does shut down. But just differently and possibly not cleanly. Is that what others get?

Did you drink the whole Keg I brought to the light house at Barnegat??

It might have been a whole keg when you purchased it. It was near empty when it got to the lighthouse.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I’ll let the store there was a hole in the kegg and some leaked out…

Yeah, maybe that was this type of shutdown. It was very quick, didn’t show processes being shut down, and looking at Task Manager, no process exited (but UI). I have seen that white screen twice. The first time I didn’t know what to do, so I restarted chia, the second time I managed to reload it, and most likely didn’t do restart to cure it just in case. So, maybe this one was after the last white screen. Really don’t recall it.

As far as those white screens, I think those depend which panel you leave chia on. I think they don’t come if you keep it on the Full Node panel. Although, I didn’t have too much of those, and I was not chasing them to see what could be the trigger (kind of didn’t want that white screen to show up).

Well, looking at ChiaDog reports, and I see another block won. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Two blocks one after another. Nothing special, as others reported such wins plenty of times.

However, as mentioned, we see correlations where there are most likely none. I think that @ksevin also got repeated wins after his fix / reboot. Although, his wins took a bit longer, so really doesn’t translate that well. Also, @Wawka reported just one win. So, let’s call this one just a paranoia and having problems with stats after sitting in a dry spell for that long.

I have gone for nearly a month without a win, wondering if I have an issue. Yet recently, I won 4 out of 5 days, which is much higher than my estimated time to win.

A couple of months ago, I won twice, 70 minutes apart. That was very unusual, but in a good way.

I have dry spells, and I have times of plenty. I think that it mostly averages out over the long haul.

I did some Windows updates this morning, which meant a reboot, no wins yet.

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I did that yesterday… Nothing yet also…

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Hey, that fix is not magic! If it is a fix at all, if will just put your boxes back on track, so let’s wait for your normal ETA (starting today), and maybe it will be over.

Although, as mentioned, I would really do a quick restart every few days, just to get my paranoia off my mind :slight_smile:

I didn’t think for one second it would be, I had some updates and the time to do it, so thought I would.

If you do enough restarts, you’ll eventually win after a restart, thus re-enforcing you’re paranoia.

I’m pooling so restarting will have a negative effect (being a server its not the quickest to shut down and restart especially if installing updates), the server also does our TV recording, so I have to do maintenance when there is not any active recordings, or any one watching TV.

Ok guys I think we can safely state that there was no issue with winning. Just in case someone stumbles upon this thread.

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We’ve still had posts mentioning long dry spells (granted with 1.6.0 now). I understand that a 200% or 300% block is normal in mining (and farming), but I do have a raised eyebrow when farms are taking a month longer on a 2 week estimated hit for some folks. Numbers don’t lie though - we can average them out over the year and see where we’re at.

And this convinced me to finally quit goofing around with solo plotting and go pooling. I could wait a year (and be fine with it) on my microfarm, but a 500% luck would wreck me (5 years lol).

I’m glad I’m pooling and that’s with 304TiB, last win was 276%, previous to that was 207% effort, so 2 to 3 times longer.

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Yikes, as good of a sales pitch for pooling if I ever saw one. That would have been a rough couple of months.

It not just the last couple of months, my luck has always been bad with Chia. I went from 23 August last year, until early this March between wins, had two wins in March, then through to August before the next one. The August 2021 to March 2022 was with an ETW of 2 months, in March I started adding more plots, and got down to where I am now with 304TiB and 2 week ETW.

My brother on the other hand has so far had wins pretty much inline with his estimated win time, and he’s farming solo.

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Take a look at stats from Open Chia - - Chia Farming Pool. Scroll down to “Blocks Found” section. The last column (Pool Effort) shows how the pool did (i.e., all members together).

Right now, on that first page there is one win at 489%. If you scroll down through those pages, you will see that this was not really an outlier (also on page 7 there is 614%).

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Brutal! I’m sold.


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