NoSSD Payout Issue 4/19/2024 - 25% short

For the first time ever, a NoSSD payout was clearly short. My netspace remained constant in the image I am posting here, yet the payout on 4/19 was almost 1.5 XCH short from the expected payout. Was anyone else like this? Anyone know what happened?


Strange, I have a slightly higher payout on that day.

We had wallet maintenance on 4/18 and paid in advance.
Your last two days average is
which should be close to the estimation.

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Thanks Anthony. That seems right.

Same thing for me, bigger payment followed by smaller payment working out in the end.

As I recall, I had the 18th turn up completely missing - then the 19’th was about double my norm.
No changes in the meantime, and it did get accounted for quickly.

From my farm - there’s been some variability recently, similar to another period like Feb 1 - Feb 5.

Thanks for the feedback @bwfree ! Always good to know that people in the community are watching out for each other :slight_smile: