Not to bad 16ish plots every 90 min


that transfer speed though… rawr


To bad none of the plots are for me, lol. Plotting for others.


How do you get so amazing times?
I’m using Mad Max Plotter and I get a plot about each 26 minutes.
Are you using another plotter?
Or a bladebit system with a lot of RAM?

yes, Im using an 80 core system with 640GB of ram. The funny thing is the system itself only has 5TB of drive space.

I wrote a script that automates everything, I just need to tell it how many plots, farmer public, and pool and it takes off. After 15 plot creations, it offloads those files to the cloud.

Who is cloud farming at this point?

the cloud storage is just used to offload from the server until folks download the plots they purchased.

is it worth right now? spend the money for plot machine like that

beside the price the halving of chia is haunted for farmer
from 1 block 2 XCH = 1 block 1 XCH

hard to ROI in 3 4 years

Im not plotting for myself. Im plotting for others at a price.

This puts my 22 minute plots with 2x i9’s to shame !! well done !

can you share your complete system specs. we were getting a plot in 32 minutes on amd 5800x machine :slight_smile: