[OR USA] Selling 1 PiB farm. Enterprise-grade drives in commercial JBOD

SAS3 Data (12Gb/s transfers), SAS card (PCIx8) and cables included.

OG K32 plots (uncompressed) (~9,900 plots, ~166/drive)

JBOD: WD Ultrastar Data60

Drives: 60x WD DC HC550 18tb

2 year warranty remain on drives and JBOD.
Used hardware alone ~ $12,000 (JBOD + Drives)
K32 Plots ~ $0.75 per plot
WD HC550 18tb drives ~ $175/drive
Fully plotted ~ $300/drive

Serious Offers Only. Happy to discuss prices. Discounted price if purchased as a whole.


& Thank You

You didn’t post a price my dude.

I’m interested in fielding offers. I provided price points for hardware.
I’ll add suggestions for fully plotted drives vs blank drives. If you’re interested let me know.

Plots being on drives don’t add any value, unless they are NoSSD plots, as they all use the same keys.

Most people will not want to use someone else’s keys and will replot.

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i disagree, if I could take a hdd, copy over some nossd plots and increase its value I would just copy the same plots to every hdd I sell

Notice I didn’t actually say how much value it would add, I doubt it’s much, but for someone selling a complete farm it may add some value.

Yes valid point someone could simply duplicate all the plots to multiple drives, hence it’s better just to replot, but if selling a complete farm of NoSSD plots that’s unlikely and could be checked presuming your collecting in person.

Ultimately it’s down to the person buying and what they consider adds value.

Plots have 0 value to anyone else, any buyer would be farming FOR YOUR ADDRESS unless they replotted.

While it is true that there is no way to transfer ownership of the existing plots to another private key, this does not prevent the purchaser of the farm from immediately gaining rewards from farming.
The private key would be transferred with the farm so the purchaser would add this private key to their harvester with their private payout address. They would then be able to farm these plots without replotting.
The complication is if the original plotter (myself) were to already have a copy of all the plots (i.e. a second 1 PiB farm) they could then farm those same plots that they sold to you to their own payout wallet. This would create double farming error. So there is an aspect of trust involved in the sale of active plots and transfer of a private pneumonic key.
I would argue that there is immediate value in having fully plotted drives as you can farm them immediately while replotting one drive at a time (likely with compressed plots). When compared to no farming until drives are replotted this seems to be preferable, again with the caveat that there is trust involved and the purchaser would need to believe me when I say I don’t have a second 1 PiB JBOD sitting around not being used with copies of all my plots on it.

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If you don’t own the keys to the plots, why are you going to TRUST that you can use them? And how are you going to use them in the first place? (I understand that it’s possible, but never understood the “how” of doing so).

I’ll also point out that COMMERCIAL services that create plots are charging less than 1/10 of what YOU want for your plots. First spot I found on a Google search was 6 cents / plot - K32 is the standard plot size most folks use, nothing special about that size other than being the smallest usable Chia uncompressed plot.

Thank you for the questions.
The plots are farmable by anyone who has the plots and has the private pneumonic key associated with them. Right now I’m farming them with that key. Upon sale I will give the key to the purchaser along with the JBOD full of the plots. They will be able to bring their harvester at time of purchase, add the private pneumonic key to their harvester and will then be able to farm those plots to their payout address.
The TRUST comes in the purchaser trusting that I don’t have a backup petabyte copy of the exact plots i am selling and that I won’t then use that private pneumonic key to try to dual harvest those plot copies.

The COMMERCIAL services offering plotting as a service do provide plots for less money but do not provide you a farmable petabyte of plots on day one, you would likely need to wait weeks to months to reach that plot volume. They are also downloaded in most cases which is an additional rate limiting factor. Those purchased plots are also created with a private key that the purchaser is not the exclusive owner of, so again TRUST is involved.
K32 is the standard plot, nothing special about the size. My understanding is that most people are replotting with compressed plots to maximize their plot density.

He might not know plots are easy to make now since he likely plotted w/ swar and the reference plotter.

OP, if you have a cheap gpu (like a $100 980 ti) you can shit plots in 4 minutes. If you have a budget gpu (4060 ti) you can shit plots in 2 minutes. Its now a “ok if I copy to 4 hdds simultaneously my temp drive wont fill up”. You can plot faster than you can transfer the plots into a hdd now.

This is partially why people are telling you they have no value, because plots are significantly easier to make now.

Likely when you plotted it btfo’ed nvme storage and was very slow (like you could plot 3TB a day or something). This is why you have a disconnect with people here now. You had a real cost to your plots. We dont. I could replot your farm w/ my dual 4060ti’s in 9 or 10 days, and the only reason it would take so long is because of the sas limitation since everything is in a single jbod. If I spread the drives out between controllers I could do it in 4 days. This is on consumer hardware too, like my total pc cost including 2x 4060 ti’s is sub 2k.

OP hasnt gotten a real offer, id do 6 grand for everything but its likely about half of what you are looking for. Serious suggestion → ebay or serverpartsdeals. You might get more out of the hardware. Chia is unprofitable now so I only want to buy at meme-low prices (which is also why you want to sell because your farm isnt making much).

If you wanted to replot to compressed plots to keep on farming here is what you do tldr.

  1. get a nvidia gpu w/ 8gbb vram and 128gb of system ram or 256gb system ram. Get 256 if you can, if you cant get 128.

  2. get madmax’s gigahorse or nossd plotter and chose a compression setting relative to your gpu power. A 4060 ti / 3070 can do 1PB of c29 madmax or c15 nossd.

nossd c15 will make your effective size 2PB or gigahorse will make your effective size 2.3 PB. gigahorse requires you to run a node however.


No way are any plots worth 75 cents each, frankly that’s ridiculous.

$175 is not a bad price for the drive, but I could fill three drives in a day roughly.

Realistically your farm is worth its hardware value only, and the best way to achieve maximum value is to sell the drives off piecemeal.

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That’s true partially only, but good luck with promoting this…'-)

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Thanks @rallbright for the kind and detailed explanation. I guess i’m really disconnected and haven’t had time to get myself caught back up. Thanks for the primer. I agree we will likely succeed at getting a better price if we sell drives individually and go big resale markets, thats the next step. I kind of hoped someone on this community who has been so helpful throughout this process would be interested in the hardware.
Exciting that I can double my density and time to win in just a couple weeks with consumer parts!
@Ronski, yeah no way the plots are worth anything now that I understand how easy plotting is.

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I bought in big time at the start, and over the course of the following year or two expanded and upgraded drives to bigger drives, but I’ve not added more drives for a very long time, mainly as I didn’t want to expand beyond what my server could support, and also because I’d already spent far too much money on this project.

With the price staying low I feel a lot of people are just replotting what they have with higher compression plots, which is what I did, serval times over in fact. Others of course are turning off, and selling up.

Good luck with your sale, or replot if that’s what you decide to do.

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