Pace of prefarm sales accelerating

This is an interesting take on things, you may want to skip roughly the first half.

He makes some very valid points.

Still dreaming about the feature. Not accounting all cost because he need to run it anyway. But if he disable all this disk, there will be less heat (AC will use less power to run) and noise. Sharing GPU? GPU not used, don’t use a lot of power.
If somone still belive in CHIA, better to give money Gene, by buying prefarm.
This should be ordinals, like in BTC - You have special coin, from prefarm xD

He is one of the most detailed pro-Chia people out there, IMO – tied with SlowestTimelord – but I still don’t buy it. His farming economics are razor-thin profit margins right now. Best wishes to him and I hope he lets me ride shotgun in his Lambo when he proves my predictions all wrong.


It wasn’t so much whether he was still profitable or not (I can’t see it). He explained why XCH wasn’t on Coinbase - no enterprise grade wallet, which makes sense - more wrong priorities by CNI

That without selling the pre-farm CNI would have gone bust, which ultimately would be a much worse situation.

it is evolution darling. If I knew back in 2000, when we built Internet for you…that retardation will propagate at the speed of light…I would rather sleep more (instead of 3 hours per day), chase more princesses, drink even more beer, and try to kill myself by more extreme sports :stuck_out_tongue:

That is life as normies call it :wink:

Either you control yourself, or you are controlled. Observing Chia guys, they screwed big time, and desperately trying to survive now. Only time will tell.

XCH is not on major exchanges, either by accident or they purposely wanted to avoid manipulation.

Just check out classical ICO rug pull. 1600$/XCH for what ROFL. Ever since, price reflect utility & mining costs. Halving including filter is the last nail in coffin.

Even the most efficient are at break even point. I bet netspace will fall further, until price doubles. Of course, without utility it will be mission impossible.

There is no demand to drive price up 2x from here.


You never know! Its just your opinion!

From how high were you dropped on your head??? :joy: :joy: :joy:


Please elucidate for all the hopeful – who is buying XCH and why?

IPO within 12 months.

Gene has stated that CNI will then announce new projects/customers/revenue streams and we should see growth. Roadmap is still being delivered.

I am skeptical of an IPO within a year - for several reasons.

Can you please let me know the reasons which you doubt timeline.

My opinion: practical business reasons (near insolvency, not nearly enough income/paying customers), and legal reasons (unknown/private SEC inquiries into the S-1as well as pre-farm sales made pre-IPO).


Thanks Brian. Let’s revisit in 12 months.

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Do you know how investing work? Its pure speculation what you are doing.

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I was not speaking to you, sir. I was answering @huntingground as to why I doubt the IPO timeline.


Don’t feed the trolls, brother :sweat_smile:

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For what do you want to track XCH? I fyou are interested in a price i can tell you how it will look like:

  • Today: 20$
  • In a yaer: 2$
  • In 2 years: 0,2$
  • In 3 years: 0,02$
  • In 4 yesrs: 0,002$… 4 years is not a long time. So it’s high time to think about introducing a price with 4 or more decimal places… like BTC
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Yeah blah blah blah! Bitcoin went from 100 to 20 dollar same people cried about it to find out later!