Pace of prefarm sales accelerating

does chia have a website where we can track the sales date and amount?

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thanks. I dont trust it seems to be a front. is there an official source?

Yes, the first link.

that doesn’t break down loaned vs sold. we can see xch moving to the exchanges where it is mixed and then can no longer track it. we are not able to accurately track total xch in circulation. is there an official source for tracking coins sold not coins sent. does loaned xch returned still count as in circulation?

Gene said himself, consider all XCH sent to be sold.



It looks like Gene has succesfully deluded himself into thinking marginal sales have no effect on market price… as if “the market” was anything else than supply meets demand at the margin. Time for him to go back and study some classical economic theory I guess :man_shrugging:


He isn’t stupid enough to really believe its not hurting the price, he and Bram are emptying the prefarm in a manner that tries to keep the price up for as long as possible to increase their take. In my humble opinion they are both up to their eyeballs in failure and getting what they can out of the prefarm to keep it goin or line their pockets I don’t know, but its the same end result. They are now riding on every farmers’ back.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

there is only one question… Just one… Who is buying XCH? Are they “short position investors” with a vision of trading and profit from momentary position jumps… or maybe “people with money wagons” who already have a vision in mind"?
In the first case, we are moving slowly downwards… In the second case, there are at least two possibilities (or more) - a few months of an upward rally, after which the XCH wagons will be converted into money wagons again, or leaving the position permanently (as, for example, diversifying funds outside the BTC wallet), if for some reason SOMEONE knows something that we don’t yet we know and he will want to have XCH in his “bag”…

Ladies and gentlemen, there is only one answer : not enough people are buying XCH so the price is going down!


The golden rule of economics - the law of supply and demand.
This is what many of us are talking about, including in terms of the broadly understood “reception and acceptance” and the use of the XCH currency in life.
Although in the “new economic times” (including crypto) it is not always 1:1. In many cases, people make money on the stock markets differently than they did 50 or 30 years ago. Although the basic scenario is the same - the rich (those with wagons of money) know more and faster. If something is not useful or desirable, it can also drive up the market temporarily or in the long term. After all, economics knows various exceptions to the rules - for example Veblen’s paradox.
This is the truth - although, as @aurelius mentioned - it is best if it works… economic truth, not highly valued and available to a few - speculative…

Hahaha, what a bullsh*t. Probably they don’t start to sell already . Also crypto is going up a bit.
CNI guys will have lambo, farmers - disks. GPUs and electricity bill to pay.

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why do you bother what Chia management does?

Every corp sells/buys stock from their treasury.

Of course, for startup, it may be a red flag. Financial troubles, cannot get funding. They must sell something. You never know, until bankruptcy is filled in.

At current XCH price, Chia project may have bigger issue…like no nodes on Internet. Nobody, interested to farm anymore. Another 50% XCH price drop, even the best ones, won’t cover the cost of farming.

then what?

Swiss has got currently great prices for HDDs…I can sell a half of my drives still with profit.

I bother, cause they promised to not sell prefarm. And they are selling. They promised green blockchain, we have GPUs now.
And right now they are slowly milking cow, until the end.
It would be better if they will burn prefarm now, and close company, and give managment of Chia to community.

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prefarm doesn’t bother me.

what bothers me, are various parasites in our network like Gigahorse, NoSSD.

All my companies pay me dividends for my invested money. Chia allows 3rd parties to freely use our network without paying any royalties. It is weird business, the government shit level.

Serious guys, built 20k+ rigs. We get some rewards for running nodes, while there are 3rd parties running own clients, earning money from our network.

What is for me?

green propaganda is red flag no doubt. I still do not understand this GPU stuff. It is less efficient than light compression. Of course, if you just start it is cheaper for you.

they aim for corporate, government. Changes are inevitable. I am guessing, we all get screwed up in future so that they can handle mature product to corporate. I guess there will be ASIC for farming as well.

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An understatement if there ever was one. So why do you go on and on and on about how it is so bad and how should be abolished…cause you don’t understand? :man_shrugging:


you mean, why Chia builds “green” crypto while regularly screwing up efficiency, changing network faster than socks?

because it makes perfect sense in business world where company philosophy is “green network” ROFL It builds trust, and attracts lots of people.

In my years of investing, such companies are usually not far from bankruptcy, and investors pay the price as usually :wink: Observing the desperate moves of Chia guys, my eyes still work good.

and because it amuses me to observe experts :stuck_out_tongue:

Companies often revise their ‘Mantra’ … green was convenient at the time, now, not so much.

My opinion, that Chia didn’t have good enough ‘brains’ around at the time of inception, to 1st, to know how build what they wanted correctly; and 2nd they apparently didn’t realize that what they were building could be easily ‘hacked’ to make it far more efficient, at least for the farmer, than they anticipated.

Call it naïvety, stupidity, lack of expertise, whatever… but they turned out original code leaving it open to great improvements in speed of plotting, farming efficiency, user interface, and a number of other deficits. Proof being, after all that has come about, the hard fork is at hand one fine day. That will be something to watch, whether involved or from the sidelines.

And it should “separate the wheat from the chaff”, as they say, in quick order… as far as Chia is concerned.