Please check your logs for "ERROR Could not find authentication sk for pk"

I hope i’m not too late. You don’t have to delete your plots and replot again with new key. Chia team are aware of this issue and they will fix it eventually. You just have to wait.

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i am not aware of a way to do it ‘incorrectly’ and since it’s a server side problem it’s out of my hands to fix the issue

Late to the game, but what about ignore the GUI and raise the number of wallets checked in the code that was posted? s/20/60 and you’re back in business

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We actually looked at that early. Raising the number of wallets allowed can be done fairly easily but too many wallets is the problem. Allowing more of them would just make it worse.

You did actually read this thread?
Kinda shows exactly how to do it incorrectly doesn’t it?

I have never been quite sure whether you are telling us you have the “ERROR Could not find authentication sk for pk” in your logs.

Do you?

deleting wallet and replotting arent the way to do it correctly for me

yeah i have them in my logs for both nft and og plots

I didn’t say it should be how you deal with it.
If your still plotting though you might as well just do it correctly from now on.

i use MadMax for plotting and this issue only occurred with some pools which means it’s obviously not something I can fix on my side

So you were using your nft contract address to create them meaning your issue is different?

Both NFT and OG plots I created sometimes have the same of that error in the logs. With some pools.

That really didn’t answer what I asked.
I’m just trying to ensure you use the correct data to form the plots.
Aspy68 didn’t and thats what caused his errors.

You need to find out how many wallets you have.

Run chia wallet check and let me know how many you have.

Dude, you even got me beat. I have 49…have you started re plotting already? Can I even farm forks now with my 1500 plots. So bummed, where is the phone number to contact, the chat channel to spam. I hope they can quickly remove some wallets if not a complete fix. Most of my plots are OG plots or the last nftwallet I made. Damn it this is why I haven’t won yet. any irc or discord where we can discuss this tomorrow? Night

Yes, I’ve been re-plotting for a week now, No you cannot farm anything with the extra wallet nfts. Once you have over 19 pool wallets the Chia GUI can no longer address any more. The extra wallets cannot be deleted.

Your NFT plots all need to be deleted but the first. If you have OGs they are not part of the problem and can be kept…

A good partial solution to the problem is laid out in message 79 to fool your GUI back into thinking your key only has one NFT and one pool wallet. Once this is achieved you can plot all new plots to the one NFT you have left.

If you have few or no OGs then you are probably better off deleting all plots and starting from scratch with a new key.

Have you tried editing your config.yaml to up the number from 25? this was recommended earlier in the thread.

So is there any chance that the devs make it possible to use all of the portable plots or they already said you will need to replot and we will stop people from making extra keys … I just want to make sure before I delete like 500 plots that took 250TB off my nvme life drive.

I didn’t see any were about 25 besides your post and someone trying to sell plots for 25. I already tired the fix to del all extra keys but seems to still give me the sk error.

OK, I’ll link the post, which is in this thread, but on further quite drunk analysis maybe it’s not in config but in the main code.
Do you know how to compile code, I certainly don’t, but its only an operation, and I’d learn it if I had reason to ( you do at this point…)
I said 25, it’s 20, hence you not finding results, not even sorry, I’m drunk!. And I’m trying to help.

Not sure who this person is, but they apologise, try to offer a way out, so I assume ( possibly wrongly) this was code they were at least partly responsible for including.

Compiling code can not be hard, just a skill alot don’t know.
Push the right buttons and wait while comp does the hard work.
If you want to save your plots this is all I can offer.

Best of luck to you.