Plots missing keys on second pc

I’m on windows 10 chia gui latest version. I have the same wallet logged in on two pc’s. My plots/farming are working perfectly on the first pc. I move a hard drive to the second pc and it shows that all my plots are missing keys. How do get this setup correctly? I haven’t done anything other than plug n play with the hard drive, do I need to copy keys from somewhere?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Running a remote harvester is a preferred way (instead of running multiple farmers/nodes). Here is the info how to set it up - Farming on Many Machines | Chia Documentation.

Most likely, the wallet you are using on both of those nodes is not the one used to plot those drives (you created another wallet before, and keys are coming from that wallet). Also, I would check whether both GUIs show the same plot NFT used for farming.

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im solo mining and have no NFT’s to check, but i have same exact transactions and balance in my wallet in both so its gotta be the same wallet.
I really don’t wanna have to setup a harvester, i tried in the past and it was such a headache.
Also i dont plan to continue running two nodes, I just want to transfer to the second pc and shut down the first one. I will only have 1 running when I get it working.

There is no point of using OG plots, as one can also solo farm with NFT plots. So, the next time you will be replotting don’t use OGs.

Those transactions / balances are the receiving end of farming and really mean nothing as far as what keys were used for plotting. Most likely, you started with your box A, created the first wallet, played with it a bit, then created another wallet, and started plotting. When you do that, chia will by default use the very first wallet to get keys. Then, when you started your B box, you have only imported the second mnemonics, thus that box cannot recognize those plots.

Actually, in GUI on the first box, log out (only log out, not exit). Once you do that, it should show you all fingerprints it is using for farming. Compare that with the box B. You can also go down to CLI to check on wallets / keys.

By the way, I assume that when you take a HD from box B and stick it to A box, all plots will be recognized, right?

As you have Chia installed on both, and only want the first one… simply copy all Chia from the 1st PC onto (and over) the 2nd PC install, that is, the “.chia” & the “.chia_keys” directories. Of course, do this after you have completely shut down Chia on both.

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