Plotting and farming in the cloud

What is @chiaappliance? Website has no info.

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They plot for you and then upload the plots to wasabi. You then map the plots on wasabi as a drive and add it to your chaia plot directories. Pretty much as simple as that.


So you got to plot for you, is that correct? Then the plots were put onto a cloud drive that you mapped to your local PC for farming?

How many of your plots are local, vs in the cloud?

Depending on how long you plan to farm with plots stored on wasabi, the pricing doesnt seem viable after about 3-5 months of usage (depending on average price per TB of physical drives).

If a physical drive is $18-22/tbā€¦ compared to using wasabi for 5.99/tb per mo ā€¦ after 3 months of using wasabi you would have already spent as much as you would on a physical drive. I guess if you only plan to farm for a couple of months this is a viable option?

Wasabi Pricing


Yep ā€” I had 12TB plotted in the cloud and continued plotting around 12TB on my own. I mapped both my local and cloud plots in the chia GUI and they showed up immediately.

But yes, youā€™re completely right. Essentially what Iā€™m doing now is pulling all solo plots down from wasabi to local drives and Iā€™m going to store them locally for now. I plan on using the cloud service again to plot new pool plots, pull them down and then cancel wasabi since I have the drive space. In the future, I may renew and do the same if itā€™s necessary in order to see any real XCH gains from pool farming, but in the meantime I plan on plotting my own locally. Hopefully that makes sense.


Do you use FileCloud Drive to map it as a local HD?

Sounds interesting! I sent you a PM, please check inbox!

Iā€™m sure I could have, but ultimately paid for a license to use this. Works really well, but the price seemed steep just to map a drive: Map Cloud Storage as a Network Drive | MSP360ā„¢ (CloudBerry Lab)

Let me know if you find other alternatives that work well with wasabi. The license is per machine, too.

Happy Customer here. Payton has been absolutely fantastic helping me setup and configure my harvester on Digital Ocean. For me s3fs was not quite fast enough, but gooyfs hasnā€™t taken longer than 11s on a check yet, perfectly within spec for delivering proofs, now if I could just get another one :slight_smile:


My pleasure!! There is nothing more valuable than customer delight and success !! Yes goofys is DEF the way to go to farm on an S3 target. It totally changes the Chia Cloud game :+1::+1:.

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Hmm, that idea crossed my mind as well (since I do a lot of cloud programming).
If I have to guess, the cost of storage should be relatively cheap - if Chia can use blobs as files; but plotting on the cloud will be too slow, if you have to pass the data all over the network.
Someone should give this idea to the big cloud providers :wink:

I thought Iā€™d highlight this other post that I did recently as it seems relevant.

Especially the PR that I mentioned in tip #4 can take your 10-20s time to solve a challenge down to 1-2 seconds. I imagine that change will be released in 1.1.7.

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Could you please provide more info on farm configuration, DO + wasabi?

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Most certainly! DM on the way! :+1:

Hi There, do you know where I can find a JBOD for 3.5" drives? I have 25 12TB 3.5" HDDā€™s all full of plots and I have no idea what to do with themā€¦ I am not an IT expert or proffesional, so I got 4 of my gaming machines plotting and before I knew it I had filled all 25 HDDā€™s now I am scouring the internet with how to connect them to a PC to be able to farm themā€¦ the most I have working is 4 on each machineā€¦ and I tried to share 12 of them to the network in windows and then add those directoies in Chia app but it just shows the folders are emptyā€¦ it doesnt see the plots and although I can see the drives that I mapped I also cant see any plots from the 3rd machineā€¦ im lost. lol I was looking at these huge NAS type things what allow you to insert all the drives into itā€¦ but they are thousands of dollarsā€¦ I watched a few videos about buying a things called a Non Raid SAS HBA card and a SATA extender card, apparently from one of the PCI ports on my PC I can plug these in and by using 4 way breakout SATA cables I can run 200+ drives from one PCā€¦ I havent bought these 2 things yet because I dont know if this is correct and also what exactly to buy?? Can you or anyone help me? Thanks.

i have done many test on Wasabi, and the time for proof is 9 seconds. does anyone have better data?
I use chia plots check

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You can get even betterā€¦ These parallelization improvements will be incorporated in the Chia codebase soon but I do know of someone getting an average of 1.5sec from New York (D.O.) down to Wasabi US-East-1 in Ashburn VA with this change (see below). Total game changerā€¦

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You are comparing block storage, but it is possible to use S3 or S3 compatible storage, although it is still more expensive, even with some of the cheapest.

I also had a look for plotting, to fill my HDDs fast so I could go from 2/3 months of win time to weeks, but unless I have a 1/10Gbit broadband it does not make sense.

I think take a look
Chia Dedicated Server

Has anyone had any success using S3 or S3-compatible services on Windows? I see MSP360 Drive was mentionedā€¦ any others?

Sent you a reply in this thread:

Looking forward to discussions as Iā€™m actively looking for ways to optimize.