Plotting process measurements

Second test is done

chia plots create -k 32 -t /temporary/temp1/ -2 /temporary2/temp2/ -d /run/media/lv/Pocket/dest/
First temporary is internal NVME, second temporary is SATA SSD in external enclosure, destination is external HDD
Total time = 23530.325 seconds.

Disk usage

Looks like previous for phases 1 and 2, but in 3rd phase space decreases faster.

Difference of first temporary usage:

Memory allocated

No visible changes, same as previous


Total TWB of NVME device used for one plot is 1 342 493 MB (81 892 MB lower)


  1. Using secondary temp folder on another drive decreases TWB of faster device for about 80GB per 1 plot, so using cheaper and slower SSD will save some money.
  2. Using secondary temp folder on another drive increases available space starting from phase 3, so starting next plot seeding from that moment (or a little bit later) would be greater for queues. Especially for Samsung 970 PRO and 980 PRO series (or similar)