Plotting service for Chia: what are your expectations

For a couple of days, I have been wondering whether I should offer a plotting service or not. My main concern is about getting the plots in time with you guys and what your expectations are. Also, what are you willing to pay?

Just some background information. I have my own hosting company with a team of engineers. We are an official registered Dutch company. So we have proper datacenters (redundant power feeds, network, etc) and can easily handle 10 Gbit connections. If more is required, we can handle that too. But the question is if the spinning disks are fast enough to keep up :slight_smile:

With the current nodes we have setup, we can easily generate about 10 TB of plots today. However, we do have the capacity to scale up. I would say that plotting 50 TB per day wouldn’t be a problem before we should start ordering more hardware.

That said, plotting everything is not the problem. My main concern is how do you guys prefer to get the plots? We are based in The Netherlands and are happy to ship out physical drives or offer the plots on a high-speed download. We can even store it on a FTP or S3 service if you want. And Paypal and all is not a problem to process (paying with Bitcoin is not a problem).

Another solution I was thinking about, is offering VMs with a big ass storage service behind this.

So, my questions:

  • What are you willing to pay per plot?
  • How do you want to get the plots to you?
  • Would you be interested in a VM with a big-ass storage? If so, what is a fair price for you per TB per month?

I am looking forward for your replies!

I am happy to think out-of-the-box. For example, I am happy to ship over the NAS. But what are you thoughts about crashed drives and/or NAS due to shipping? While I am happy to help out with plotting, I do not wish to be responsible for this.

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paying 10e pr tb for plotting service is my limit… or its a reasonable price for me

and im newb when it comes to computer science stuff so… as long you dont ask me for any sensitive infos like hpool, im happy to pay for the plotting service :smiley:

What do you consider sensitive info? We do need your public farmer and pool key, otherwise it is impossible to do so. And how do you plan to get the plots?

I am also wondering for how long we should allow you to download the plots. After all, storing the data is quite expensive, so the shorter we have to store it, the better.

hmm… for example … hpool is asking for my mnemonic words… in that case… iwont give it out.

and my download speed goes up to 50mbs … so for a plot of 106g… downloading it via ftp server with stable connection … hmm… ca 3 hours pr. plot ? so daily 10 plots more or less ?

Very good advise and let me highlight that: never ever give out your mnenomic which is used to create your private key.


I agree. That should never happen, it is not required at all. We only need the public keys, that’s it.

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I have created a plotting service for you.

Pricing fast plot: € 2,- per plot
Slow plot (runs when no other plots are running) € 1,- per plot

If you want to have it fast, it is € 2,- per plot. If you want to have less fast and you will download it yourself, it is €1,- per plot. You can use . The slow service permits one slot of plotting. If other slots open up, it may get faster.

Thing is. You have to download the files within two days. The Gold/quick version allows for FTP uploading as well.

Note: the FTP settings field is optional and only required for file transfers.