Problem with farming Chia

Since 12/11/2023 I do not get any chia from Space pool. Because of that I updated my chia to v.2.1.3. I updated DB and Wallet to v2. Chia is synced but I still do not receive reward. What can be the problem?

How long have you been in spacepool? Did you get anything in Nov 2023?

I have beed in spacepool since 20/10/2021. I was receigving revards from the pool everyday until 12/11/2023.

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thanks for the help ,its sorted now

I have to ask here about the solution. I was told that my wallet is clogged because of upgrade and to unclogged it I need to connect my other wallet. I have wallet that is active, have some tokens and has transaction history of about 40 days and not older that 50 days. The problem is that this wallet contains big amount of tokens. After history with ledger where users lost money just because they connected wallet to web3 I do not want to do that. I do not have other wallet that can be use. Does it mean that I lost all XCH and future benefits of having an old wallet?

yes i had the same issue but was fixed by support @mortaldance

How it was fixed? They want me to connect my wallet to web3.

yes it was fixed after the complaints and all @mortaldance

How it was fixed? Why anybody want to make me connect my wallet to web3? It is not my fault that after upgrade such situation occur… There must be other solution. If no, than me and similar people to me will lose ale XCH mined and wallet that is old and I heard old wallet will get some extra rewars. So it all is losed because I do not want to risk my money and connect mine wallet to any web3, is that correct? Please do not just aswer: it was fixed.

It’s not clear what your issue is, but you can try the following.

Close Chia, delete the wallet DB, then start Chia, the wallet DB will rebuild quickly.

I tried everything like that. I was synced, everything looked ok but I did not get any rewards. Miner has been working since 2021. Everything was ok until db upgrade. After this I stopped getting rewards. I did all I knew and I wrote here. After my post I received 2 messages with ticket ID and link to chat with support. I talked with some people. The first want wanted me to connect my wallet in this page:
I couldn’t do that. This guy told me my old wallet / rewards is clogged. I send my XCH to newly created wallet in goby. I gave him my goby address. After I sent all my XCH and CH21 to goby wallet they were sent to:
Thank XCH were sent to:
I do not understand what is this? For me it looks like scam. I was asked to connect my other wallet to unclogged XCH tokens and old wallet…
Today I started another conversation on page:
Part of my conversation with support:
SUPPORT: Okay, what we do is, you’ll make this wallet transactional by moving your tokens from the exchanges to this wallet. Once you complete that, you’ll connect manually, it will go through easily and you’ll click on refresh on the next page. You’ll see your clogged tokens
ME: So all I need to to is perform any transaction where I send tokens to this wallet?
SUPPORT: Not just any transaction. It has to be inflow of tokens, move as many tokens as possible to that wallet so you’ll have series of histories of transactions. Do not send anything out then connect and get your clogged token first then you can move them back to your exchange
ME: as many as possible? what does it mean. if I have 20 eth I should sent it to this wallet?
SUPPORT: Yes it’s your wallet. It’s completely okay. As a matter of fact that will be better and faster to complete your process. Before you start, you can try connecting the wallet manually first, see the error msg you get. If it’s the same “an error occurred”, go ahead with the transactions influx

So my question is, why I was asked by support to send as many tokens as possible??? Who ask such questions?
Why Chia support does not use some support wallet to unclogged users tokens? I just cannot trust in this solution…

you are being scammed lol

they are trying to get you to use a wallet drainer.

anything you connected to their website is compromised. your computer is also likely compromised. move it if you can to new wallets keyed on a different computer.

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This is what I thought… I did not lose much but always something. And I did not connect any wallet I use. Thank you for answer

I did not. Otherwise I would cry as baby

Just to cap this thread for anyone else passing through, the helpful ‘Support’ people are scammers as has been pointed out by others.


They are trying to scam you, there is no official Chia Support on this website, its a scam.

You can read all about this happening on numerous social media platforms, what they do is try to isolate you alone in DMs rather than help you in public so others can stop them and inform you.

ChiaForum is NOT associated with Chia Network Inc, this website is independent and lacking in moderation so the scammers are having a field day cleaning up and taking peoples coins.

If you want official support, use links in the “Help” section of the Chia program, that will lead you to the official sites, from there you can reach the official discord rather than the scammers fake one.

P.S. Two of the scammer accounts “jamesProg” (and “pichardo”) are replying to this thread. (Never talk to “support” in private, only in public, the goal is to get you alone so we can’t say ITS A TRAP!)