Problem with new compressed plot (invalid plot)

First I want to apologize for my language. I use google translator.

I created new compressed plot, but started getting errors about invalid plot.

2023-12-08T20:03:23.040 harvester chia.plotting.manager   : ERROR    Failed to open file /media/farm1/usb 4/plot-k32-c9-2023-12-06-02-17-f1ecdsfg78gefubd.....540bfce7eg89.plot. Invalid plot file format Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia/plotting/", line 326, in process_file
ValueError: Invalid plot file format

I use the following commands for madmax

 ./chia_plot_k34 -C 9 -n 1 -r 18 -u 256 -t /media/farm1/rs/plotene/ -d /media/farm1/rs600/ -w -c  -f ```

I use Linux Mint, SSD + RAM Disk

Can you tell me where i am going wrong ?
Thanks and happy holidays!

Are you using the Gigahorse farmer, or just the Chia farmer?

For madmax compressed Gigahorse plots you have to use the Gigahorse farmer.

Also I’m not sure why you’re using chia_plot_k34, and have a K32 plot.

Are you using a GPU? If so you should be using cuda_plot_k32