Reference pool members doesn't get reward after changes pool's wallets

We create a pool based on the reference pool.

Everything were working as expected and we were testing by the 10 members.
We changed pool’s wallets (wallet for pool’s commissions and wallet for distribution) and members were stop receiving any reward after blocks were find.

It’s very strange because members who’s find the blocks still get the 0,25 coin. But on pool’s wallets we doesn’t get any coins. This coins still sent to previous wallets.

After we changed wallets back, all start work as should

Also we were starting got warnings in pool log. Such as (ids were changed):

INFO     Is 806fe02b0d1cfdd83523e641a2ad3d5762c80212db6f61...... pool member: False
INFO     Singleton is not assigned to this pool
INFO     Wrong target puzzle hash: e3286a22a66a9f78ad7cdee409c8b3f05820ce2088e3284226ba48b96...... for launcher_id 0cf19eaa6600153db23433fc51a98060f319a9128e07f509.....

I have a few questions:

  1. What initial reason may happen of this behavior?
  2. What we should doing after changing pool wallets?

What initial reason may happen of this behavior?

I have been thinking about such reason: After changing pool’s wallets all member should recreate NFT for pool. But I’m not sure

I’d ask the devs on discord iirc, afaik you will not find them here.

Thnx Bones. I will try await answers here maybe anyone faced

Are you know official discord channel? Can u share the link?

No, I don’t know it.

there is no official Chia discord. there is an official Chia keybase. There is a pool channel there for pool support:

Contact - Chia Network

Click Join Keybase on that.