Script no longer works properly

once had a script that shows me the SSD consumption.
That had also worked once.
Now in Ubuntu but errors are displayed.
The value itself, however, it displays correctly.

Have already experimented a little with the old ` ’ around… but I can not find a working solution

#echo "Status der beiden SSD's" 
ssd1="`sudo smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 | grep Percentage | cut -c 37-38`"         # Ausgabe in %. Soviel ist bereits Verbraucht
ssd1_plots_verbraucht=`echo | gawk '{print '$plots_je_prozent'*'$ssd1'}'`       # Soviele Plots sind bereits generiert worden
ssd1_plots=`echo $(echo | gawk '{print '$anzahl_plots'-'$ssd1_plots_verbraucht'}') | gawk '{printf "%.0f\n", $1}'` # Finale Rechnung. Die maximal möglichen Plots abzüglich der bereits verbrauchten Plo>

echo -e "\033[1mSSD1\033[0m schafft noch: \033[31m\033[1m" $ssd1_plots "\033[0m Plots. Bereits Verbrauchte Lebenszeit:\033[31m\033[1m" $ssd1"%\033[0m"


gawk: cmd. line:1: {print *4%}
gawk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
gawk: cmd. line:1: {print -}
gawk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
SSD1 schafft noch: 0 Plots. Bereits Verbrauchte Lebenszeit: 4%%