Small farmer advice - 3060ti 32gb ram


Looking for some advice. I use ChiaMadMax plotter version Build 0.1.6-chives for Windows to create my K32 uncompressed pool plots. I have been doing this for a year and a half. I have about 200 TB size farm. I see all this talk about compression and fast plotting, but I was hoping somesone can confirm for me if I should spend the time replotting based on what I have. I have a 3060ti card with a PC with 32 GB of ram. I believe I can use Gigahorse 2.0 to replot and use compreession but would mean none of my existing plots could be used by gigahorse as it is not compatible with the native farmer/harvester. So should I just wait until native compression comes out or is there a better way based on my hw setup I should go?

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Gigahorse supports uncompressed plots. I also have 200TB and GTX1060 6GB, I use C8 (graphics, load at 3%), if I redraw to C17 to C18 I will see.

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Native compression came out back in the spring, and was officially launched in August.

Gigahorse had since released much higher compression.

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Many of the holdouts have made the plunge by this point. The ones that wanted native support (that also had a big plotter machine) had an option in Bladebit cuda. The rest had NOSSD and Gigahorse for even more savings now.

It used to be you could pitch a case for staying OG or uncompressed and pooling… the only use case I see at this point is to avoid the replotting power costs if you’re close to ROI and about to sell the gear and bail. If you’re still in the game, now is a great time to catch up!

For your setup, Gigahorse 2.0 sounds like the best choice (NoSSD also an option if you’re ok with it).

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Gigahorse will read all plots from Chia, both compressed and uncompressed.
So you can just slowly replace them while farming. Just have to switch over to GH farmer first

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such and awesome community. thank you everyone for all the quick responses! think i am going to take the dive with gh 2.0 :slight_smile:

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