Testnet10: Connection error. Check if full node rpc is running at 8555

I’m going through tutorials on learning the Chialisp. At the moment I stopped because of the problem that I can not interact with the blockchain.

I downloaded the testnet-database, chia is in testnet mode. The database is synced, I see the balance of the wallet (tXCH), I can send coins. But the full node shows an error:

chia show -s
Connection error. Check if full node rpc is running at 8555
This is normal if full node is still starting up

Please help, what could be the problem?

I think that means it should run over port 8555 instead of port 8444 which is standard for normal chia install.

Maybe it’s as simple as changing all instances of 8444 to 8555 in the config file

Also: chia keybase has a chialisp channel with ppl who know a lot more abt this stuff

Thank for an advice! :slightly_smiling_face:

After restart full node everything worked:
chia start farmer -r

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