Troubleshooting failure to farm with lots of plots, due to harvester 30s timeout

Same results as before (see above for system descriptions), but I’ve gotten it all down to excel / Google Sheets values so I can paste it in real quick:

intel htpc amd datacenter JBOD
avg 14.85 0.92 1.49 0.61
median 3.97 0.06 0.27 0.47
min 0.22 0.00 0.03 0.27
max 469 76.4 83.8 5.6
over 30s 468 10 42 0
total checks 5896 1472 6499 1303
percent over 30s 7.9% 0.7% 0.6% 0.0%

This is with a far more limited number of plots on the htpc and AMD side; most of those drives have been migrated to the datacenter JBOD – which I’ve added as a column on the right.

This is still with two relatively full 90tb NAS’es under the “intel” column. Just to confirm @farmerfm how many over 30 seconds harvester responses do you see when running the harvester directly on the NAS?

I have bad news for the Chia team.

Even with a very sophisticated FAST JBOD setup, you will see response times over 5 seconds at times. So whoever it was on the Chia team that came up with that “if it’s over 5 seconds, you have a bad config!” rule is… kind of huffing glue? We’re dealing with hard drives here. Sometimes things are gonna happen, and 5 seconds is a pretty rough level to make a warning, and 30 seconds… basically isn’t enough time to account for hard drive variability on large farms.

I expect to see a LOT of people making a LOT of noise about the soft 5 second and hard 30 second harvester rules as these plot farms grow indefinitely.