Ubuntu 24.04 and Chia 2.3.0

Has anyone try Chia 2.3.0 on Ubuntu 24.04? I know about the Deb problem and I know of the work around. Is there anything less? I am going to try to setup a box this weekend wish me luck!!

Update: There a known bug.

i dont know what Deb problem mean? what i know the windows is problem itself.

24.04 deb is (debian packages) and Canonical has removed deb packages installer. There trying to get everyone on snap packages. Chia dose not build a snap package. You have to install the debian packages manager first and then install chia.

Microsoft has its own set of junk. I will work with Linux and day of the week

Sounds like time to start looking for a better LINUX version.
SNAP is a joke, and don’t get me started on the installation issues with some 22.04 “release” versions that would not install from scratch at all.
Then there’s the whole “Ubuntu Pro” disaster.

we can install the debian packages installer? so , no problem

I have been using Ubuntu 22.04 and not had any big problems. I have been using for chia and my main desktop for years. I have not looked into SNAP, I use snap if the program that are snap or use deb. I just do not understand why they remove it from the defalt install.