Unable to use faucet

I sent to

It shows that amount in my screen shot above.

Hello, I was following a guide for a simple Windows GUI setup but I got stuck at the faucet.chia.net step. The Full Node is fully synced and I tried using different browsers and different computers and even tried my cell phone (not connected to wifi) but I keep getting the same “Bad Request” error.

I’ve already googled the error and tried a few different faucets and other proposed solutions like using the Farmed Wallet address but nothing has worked so far. It’s been several days now so I’m simply out of ideas.

If someone could give me some suggestions or send me some token chia that would be really appreciated! :slight_smile:

My address is:

That site does work.

Or put this in your browser

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Thank you for your response. It turns out that I shouldn’t have been following the tutorial, I should have just looked at the official install documentation. The issue was that I was trying to use my Receive Address (and my Farmer Reward Address) but I needed to use the Master Public Key, so the site does work


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