Unofficial quick guide to FlexFarmer + Gigahorse compressed plots + Windows + WSL on Flexpool

You can still farm then, just need to use the GH software directly with another pool.

And is it doable in Windows (or with WSL) then ? My old flexi C7s ? how exctactly :slight_smile: ?

btw. what is VMMEM from which app, as it seems to use 95% of my CPU ?

Assuming you mean Flexpool, there are no “flexi” plots. There are plots made to a PlotNFT that you join to a pool. To change to another pool you just use the Gigahorse software to join the new pool.


I’ve absolutely no idea, but a very quick and very simple Googles come up with this result amongst others.

Same thing with v2.5. And no, WIN+CTRL+SHIFT+B didnt help.
After stoping flexfamer, then VMMEM goes to normal CPU usage 0.1% and 3GB ram,
right after starting flexfarmer it goes to 100% CPU and 24GB ram.
RIP flexfarmer :sleepy: gotta catch other train - hope it doesnt repeat there also :frowning:

Flexpool is dead deprecated

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It’s still fully functional and will be through the end of October.

copy paste from google ? lol This guy is killing me :smiley: