USB Hub for Rasperry Pi

I am using usb 3.0 hub on raspberry pi (with external power). But their prices are expensive than the USB 2.0 hubs. Do you think USB 2.0s are efficent in terms of performance?

If you’re using external desktop HDDs, you don’t need the powered hub as it’s a lot more expensive than the unpowered one. And it could back-feed your Pi also.

The best hub for the Pi is the USB 3.0 hub, which is actually the USB 3.1 Gen 1 hub. Make sure you buy from the manufacturer that discloses their hub’s controller chip. I am using the one with VL817 chip. It’s rock-solid, I have never had a problem with it.

I am not sure whether USB 2.0 hub would be sufficient. However, I don’t see any point in using the 2.0 hubs as the 3.0 hubs (unpowered) are very cheap already. I am using the one from Orico.

You can see the limitation of farming with Pi here.

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Probably not, regular spinning hard drives can achieve speeds of around 150MB/s. Whereas USB 2.0 has a limit somewhere around 50MB/s. To access a bunch of large hard drives and scan them for plots for challenges, I wouldn’t want a USB 2.0 hub to slow down my response times. I would stick with USB 3.0.

My all disks are WD 3.5" External Harddisks. so the usb hub doesn’t need power?

Yes. I am using WD Elements Desktop, it comes with it’s power supply.

Any feedback on the GL3510 chip that I read in some 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub Ultra-Slim Data USB Splitter with charging also supported?


For farming on pi, USB2 is enough,
especially, if ur using the hpool client, which is more of a harvester.

I am not having a personal experience with it GL3510.

However, if you want to compare VL817, it should be GL3520. GL3510 is the competitor of the old VL812 . I wouldn’t recommend the ole generation chips as well as I wouldn’t recommend any USB 2.0 chip. They’re pretty dated. Please invest some more to get a proper farming.

I am seeing GL3510 in a dirt cheap USB 3.0 hub belongs to the brand doesn’t know to anyone. I think VL817 hubs are dirt cheap already. I think you should look else where.