Wallet address changes and cant see change payout address option in pool tab

I am not self pooling, so cannot say for sure. However, on my NFT plot (on that plot section, not in the app next to that plot button) in the upper right corner, I have those three dots, and when I click on those, there is an option to Edit Payout Instructions. Once there, I can change it (did it already on v1.3.3, as I messed it up).

I saw that option before (Even on 1.3.3) but it’s not there anymore (On the old 1.3.3 and the newly fresh one i’ve installed)

15-04 23_41_57

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Are you running linux or windows? When you remove the files and then start it up its clean.

Win 11 (20 aaaaaaaaaa)

I really don’t know that much about UI and didn’t have such problem, so am for sure not the best one to help.

In my case, there are 4 options, and one is Edit Payout Instructions. Looks like you are missing this one as well. This make me think that maybe your pool section for that pool is bad (in config.yaml). Here is what is in my confi.yaml:

  - authentication_public_key: a123... 
    launcher_id: '0x1232'
    owner_public_key: '0xa123'
    p2_singleton_puzzle_hash: '0x0...'
    payout_instructions: 123...
    pool_url: https://xch-us-west.flexpool.io
    target_puzzle_hash: '0x123...'

The indentation needs to be exact, as otherwise it will not be recognized, and thus incomplete pool info. Again, I don’t know how that section looks like for self pooling, and per what you said (long wait), don’t want to try that.

Although, it kind of makes you think, where are all those guys that took the blue pill and sung hymns about the software when we need them.

I really don’t think that’s a concern, you own all those addresses.

I’d heard someone else say pool was coded into .yaml on startup and needed changing.
With me pooling at space it wasn’t an issue.

Odd that mine won’t change.

Seems my address did change, even though it didn’t look like it had
Went back to have another look and it’s set to the address I tried to change it to.

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yeahhhh… this isn’t lookin so good… cut ur losses… if u enjoy sleeping well…

make sure whatever network your using is 100% secure… no holes anywhere… double double check

than make a new chia full node"wallet only" version than. creat a new cold wallet there away from ur install… send all your xch u have there… and hope it all arives there… when it does… delete the vm… and keep your new 24 key safe.

don’t trust any tools

or u can send me all your xch and ill hold it for you. :rofl:

in all seriousness… send anyone a few mojo to make sure u can send money out with no problems…somone who can validate the transaction…

good luck

If that’s aimed at me, no need, my nodes fine.

If it was for someone else, maybe reply to them, or put @jonesjr
Because otherwise we have no clue who ur talking to.

Maybe the problem with those delayed transactions is bigger than we think.

I cannot say whether this holds water, but I think that you may hurt your wallet db due to those delays, or at least you may want to wait some time to see how it will sort itself out. We had already a discussion about what happens when a parallel / hostile setup modifies pool info. The bottom line is that the primary computer has no knowledge about such change, and it may not be looking for respective db change for that pool, but rather run from config.yaml. Potential problem is when chia either restarts or try to resync, as the new pool info is picked at that time from db.

Maybe this is what happen to you. Not the hostile part, but when you requested that first pool change, the message went to be approved, and got stuck. When you tried to resync or reinstall, that message was still in the queue, but your new sync didn’t either get it or processed it properly. You also tried to modify config.yaml directly, and I (we) don’t know how such changes are related to blockchain updates.

Also, I run through three updates to v1.3.x from v1.2.11. Every time that happen, the wallet had rather weird behavior. Initially it was happy, and looked that fully synced. Then was going off the sync. After some time it looked like it was fully synced, but XCH were missing. After another hour or so everything got back to normal. So, my take is that when installing v1.3 from v1.2, there is plenty of patience needed. It looks like some people don’t have that much patience, and are panicking and deleting wallet db, and starting wallet sync from scratch (what also works, but just takes much longer, I guess). As @bones stated, wallet is a completely new db, and maybe there are still some issues lingering around it, and you just got caught in this crap.

So, maybe you need to go to keybase, and explain it there, hoping that some developer that understands internals will pick it up. Although, this may be a new thing, so people may not be able to recognize it as an issue. Maybe you could also post it on github, as maybe some other people are screwed in the same way, thus more info can be gathered.

Maybe the best thing would be to get some guidance from developers how to speed up pool switch process (add a fee, or …). Although, if one of your original changes is still waiting to be processed, you would need to monitor your setup for a potential swap in the future.

Again, I am not sure whether all that makes any sense, but otherwise I am out of bullets.