Want to Sell 1000 plots with private key for $2 per plot

WTS 1k plots in California.
Can sell 100Tb HDDs also.
nalex87 at gmail

I would try selling the HDD’s. The plots and basically useless.

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Yes, where in california, and what size and type of drives? I’d be interested in the drives for sure – can you post an inventory, and where exactly you are, what city?

I’m in San Diego.
My inventory:
3x 16Tb SATA
3x 14Tb USB
3x 10Tb USB
1x 8Tb USB
10x 6Tb USB
right now have around 1000 plots total.
Production 50-60 plots daily.

Why sell 1000 plots just for 2k ? With 1k plots you should win a block a or two relatively soon. Also how do would I know , you are not re-selling plots to someone else?

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I’ll give you my private key.

Me having a private key doesn’t delete any plot duplicates + same questions how do I know you aren’t using the pk.

Yes this conundrum is covered in

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We are willing to buy plots at $8 / 10 plots at https://plots.chiasync.com/

Still looking for a serious offers. $1.5 per plot. I’ll delete all of them next week.

Plots are worthless, so let’s talk disks…
Can you put pricing on the disks, separate and as a whole… shipping cost in the USA.

Well I’ll pay $9 for 10 plots

Where do you live? Don’t think my internet allows me to upload 100Tb. I’m in San Diego.

Welcome Eeveryone

I need help.
Where or how can I sell “Plot”?
