Watch me burn $250K of server gear in protest of Chia [CANCELLED]

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You might only exist during the times that you are considering existence

Perhaps sell tickets. Might make more than the actual equipment is worth!


As far as investments go, just take the hit and get what you can for it (local sales on racks, servers, whatever).

But really, I wonder what it would take to get your operation into the black again. I was under the assumption Chia just prints money once you start scaling racks.

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Here you go

Were you ever in a pool?

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Oh yikes, 3 Chia a month on that investment? I guess I see your point.

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Currently How many plots do you have and what sizes?

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No, pooling is for suckers

And that’s without my other drives.

I’m all OG and the electric costs are through the roof.

To suggest that I should run compressed plots, I think you’re some sort of ConEd operative.

My sister wants none of it, not on her land, so recalculating.

He’s not running all his drives, that’s only 742 TiB.

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We’ve had a far few posters on here that have run solo for many months with issues, those issues would have been apparent straight away on a pool, how much XCH do you think they lost in that time?

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What equipment are/were you actually running?

My server with my farm uses about 225w, and that’s with GPU farming 760 TiBe. Thats 5.4kWh, or £1.36 a day, I’m currently earning £3.25 a day. We pay 25p or $0.32 per kWh.

I had my server prior to Chia, so the electric costs are not all related to Chia, we also have solar, batteries and cheap rate electric, so my electric cost are actually much lower than the above, but I quoted standard day rate above.

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I have total 1.5PB. One 24-bay Sans digital, one 24-bay Supermicro, 3 WD 8-bay houses, and some other consumer shit.

how many drives do you have? my server with 12 drives and GPU uses almost 260W… its 760 effective or native?

I find it hard to believe that kit can’t more that cover the electric costs, I’m guessing you are using 20TB drives to reach 1.5PB with 72 bays available, unless “some other consumer kit” includes drive bays.

Have you’ve measured the real power consumption with a Kilowatt meter?

IIRC you’re in NYC, and again IIRC power is expensive there, but what are you paying per kWh?

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21 drives (364TB unformatted capacity), not all of it is Chia plots though, I have 324 TiB of raw plots at c30, which is 760 TiB effective.

Just found some notes from October (the 225w was from August last year farming BB c7), I think that’s when I switched to c19, that was average of 246w but doesn’t include 5 x 18TB WD USB drives.

I do need to recheck now I’m running c30 plots, would be interesting to see the difference.

I posted my electric bill elsewhere. NYC is atrocious.