What's your background, and how did you find out about Chia?

I’m a 38 yo chassis mechanic from South Georgia and most of all a huge tech nerd. Got into computers around age 7 or 8 when my father bought the first family PC. I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was a 33MHz Dell running maybe Windows 3.1??? I was really young. Been into computers ever since. Been interested in computers ever since. Fast forward to my young adult life when I began working and so starts the homeland addiction lol. Servers anywhere I could put them in the house that I couldn’t hear them. Always had WAY too much storage than I needed and never really knew what to do with it. Found Bitcoin in the 2017 bull run and learned about mining. Had 5 S9’s setup in my home lab for a few weeks. Just wasn’t feesible lol. Had to turn them off and sell them. This is where I learned about mining and how it works. Skip ahead to March 2021, and as I’m buying yet another computer, a prebuilt HP gaming rig, from some guy to replace one of my home file servers, he casually asked me if I was planning to do some Chia plotting with it. Didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. Came home, researched Chia and almost immediately started plotting. Paired up with a friend to split costs and started buying drives. Currently sitting at 250TB with an ultimate goal of 1 PiB, all running out of my spare bedroom lol.


I heard about chia in the news.

My relevant background is in computer science. I admire the major design elements of the chia network, and I hope the project pushes forward, avoiding minor quarrels that can be bypassed.

i was about to extend my 1tb space with bying new brand seagate ironwolf 5900rpm 2tb drive when suddenly figured it’s price up to 50% … and here we’re go.


That would more than double your farm. You should compress too, that’s 4X gains bro.

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really? oh wow, maybr next month i’ll try to get 4tb drive! THAT ll give me 16x! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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