Why are you still here?

All of that Carbon is listed in CAD Trust. If you simply click the link below each offset you will see this page:

And then you click this link:

So once you learn to use the web, you can stop lying.

CAD Trust remains fully operational and more than 90% of all voluntary carbon offsets since inception and moving forward are tracked and recorded on the Chia blockchain by the CAD Trust.

Worldbank remains a very happy partner. They worked with us to get Bhutan operational on the CAD Trust and Chia blockchain as just one recent example CAD Trust Integrates Kingdom of Bhutan as First National Registry : Climate Action Data Trust

So what lies are you going to try now?

What did I lie about?

What is the trading volume?
Where can the coin/credits be sold?
Who owns dexie.space?

I said I could not find the dexie offers at CAD and you showed me how to do this from the dexie site. Your calling me a liar and an inept user at the same time was a bit confusing. Which is it and what am I lying about?

Endless talk for years about this partnership is one of the main reasons I lost faith in your platform. What connections you have, have produced nothing substantial in terms of value for Chia farmers or for the world. It’s just endless talk.

Your link to CAD has no mention of Chia, XCH. I have gone through their site and find the last mentions of Chia were of a successful test net run in 2022.

How did Chia Inc work with CAD on Bhutan. Is the xch blockchain used? Did CAD pay Chia Inc. for services?

Please feel free to provide me with any links or proof that there is anything more substantial going on.

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The CAD Trust runs on the Chia blockchain. You’re the one claiming it doesn’t so find us all that link. We’ll wait

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Their website is hard to deeplink to so here is them currently sayin it runs in Chia:

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Also this

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I just visited the link you posted. The theme of the page is, not specified, No option selected,not specified, no option selected, on so on. If you go on to the next link you find general info about the project concept but no details as to actual action.

This project has no information except that it is a reforestation project, is supposed to be completed already, but provides no details as to what, if anything, was done. Another tab shows no owner for the credit, just a dash where a name should be.

So this is an example of the “partnership” results:

Project Name

Carbono Hass
External Project ID

Project Developer

Forestry Consulting Group S.A.S.

not specified
Project Link

Agriculture; forestry and fishing
Project Type

Reforestation and Revegetation
Project Status

Project Status Date
July 28, 2024
Covered By NDC

NDC Information

not specified
Current Registry

No Option Selected
Registry of Origin

No Option Selected
Origin Project ID

Unit Metric


No Option Selected
Methodology 2

not specified
Validation Body

No Option Selected
Validation Date
May 14, 2024
Project Tags

not specified

What is the use of a document that tells you nothing?

The hilarious part is that you posted the next link you should click.

What I’ve proven to you is that CAD Trust uses Chia in production for the vast majority of all voluntary carbon offsets. There are offsets from the CAD Trust for sale via Dexie right this moment.

But you just keep moving the goal posts. We told you the vast majority of the carbon market would be tracked on Chia and it is.

Its very rare for projects to deliver on what we said we’d do.

Now these days we’re focused on bringing large cap equity on chain legally and expect that to be done in the first half.


I had already been to that link. There is some flowery language, but no details as to what was actually done. It is a concept page for a project that is supposedly complete. Where are the completion details and the oversight?

You have shown that CAD is “leveraging the Chia blockchain” as part of it’s system though I am still a bit unclear as to what if any effect this has on XCH value.

You set the goalposts when you announced partnership with the World Bank years ago. What has been achieved is far from a partnership. The carbon documentation is so full of holes that it, itself looks like a scam. The reliable information that CAD provides me tells me to stay the heck away 
 at least from the project you linked.

My respect for your abilities and accomplishments is one of the main reasons I initially joined the Chia project. I do not enjoy sparring with you.

I hope that you achieve some of your lofty goals but I fear xch is a lost cause. From a farmer’s perspective Chia has never been profitable and never will be.

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You’re a fudster and I love threads like this because it lets reasonable people realize how wrong you are.

Our ongoing partnership with the Workdbank is a large part of the reason we were well received at the SEC and that leads directly into being able to do something as ambitious as the Permuto ETTs on Chia.

If you’re just complaining about price you can stop claiming things about which you know nothing and keep your whining simple.

Instead you tried to sell the lie that we aren’t working with the Worldbank and that CAD Trust isn’t in production on the Chia blockchain.


Based on the available information, there is no verifiable record of any carbon credits having been successfully traded using the XCH blockchain. While Chia Network has partnered with organizations like EcoRegistry and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to tokenize carbon credits and list them for sale, there is no publicly available trading volume data showing that any have actually been bought, sold, or exchanged on-chain using XCH.

The ONLY place credits are listed is dexie which I am quite sure is a Chia Inc. creation and under your control. Several indicators suggest that Chia Network Inc. may have significant control over Dexie, despite claims of decentralization.

1. Lack of Transparency on Ownership & Team

  • No public disclosure of who actually created or manages Dexie.
  • The core team and contributors remain anonymous, which is unusual for a legitimate DeFi platform.
  • Most reputable decentralized exchanges (like Uniswap or Curve) have publicly known founders and teams behind them.

Nobody cares that you were “well received at the SEC” and this is not any indication of your “Partnership” with the world bank. You make grandiose claims based on a very slim history of actual achievement.

You still have not answered my basic questions.

Has CAD or The World Bank paid Chia Inc. for services?
What is the trading volume at Dexie?
Who owns dexie.space? (who has the DBX tokens?)
Are Chia Inc employees and expenses paid from the pre-farm?

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You don’t even know how offers work.

Because the AI you’re trying to use to FUD doesn’t know how Offers work.

It’s straightforward to look up that there have been sales and retirements of those CATs.

Give up your bullshit man.

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And Dexie isn’t Chia.

You’re new around here aren’t you?

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:rofl: I started farming when xch was valued at $1245 CAD after already joining what used to be this forum. I was one of the first self promoted MODs.

Yes, I do use AI as part of my process along with old school internet research. AI gives really good answers if you research your question first.

I asked a bunch of questions and you replied with, “You don’t even know how offers work.” I never asked and offers are but a small part of a much larger discussion. Just a side-track, really.

What I know is a 2023 analysis found that more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets certified by Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard, were essentially worthless. These credits did not represent genuine carbon reductions and, in some cases, could potentially exacerbate global warming.

The carbon credits you have on offer at dexie certainly appear to fall into the 90%. There is no public record of what was actually done to “earn” these credits and there is no one who wants to buy them.

You still have not answered my basic questions.

Has CAD or The World Bank paid Chia Inc. for services?
What is the trading volume at Dexie?
Who owns dexie.space? (who has the DBX tokens?)
Are Chia Inc employees and expenses paid from the pre-farm?

I have a new question.

Of what value is carbon credit trading to the Chia farmer?

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You didn’t click your own link to the cryptographically verifiable answer to your main question.

You really don’t know how any of this works do you?

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I’m not nearly as smart or as slick as you are.

I surrender to your greatness.

I am still here so I can say “I told you so” to trolls like yourself as Chia begins to change the world :wink:


This is not a productive thread. Just OP moving goal posts to try to make a point.


Isn’t that the same with any crypto? FOMO seems to have always been the primary driver for most of them. How about you? You got out years ago, so why are you so down on it that you feel the need to put it down years later? You’re still sore about losing $3,000 that you “invested”?

As for me, I don’t know what the future of any crypto is, nor can anyone say with certainty. However, assuming that blockchains do have a role in long-term finance, when considering the ecological implications of the resources required to maintain blockchains, Chia offers a very good and sustainable path forward. It always has regardless of what has happened with the price. I believe the fundamentals are there for that. And now, with the added innovation that is happening regarding financial products, I believe the coin is becoming positioned for even better long-term adoption and success.

So, it’s definitely speculation as with other crypto but I believe there are some fundamentals that are quite a bit different than other crypto. I believe those fundamentals may one day transform the crypto landscape. I don’t know if Chia is the one that will transform it, but I think some of the fundamentals they are pioneering certainly will. If price is your driver, then wait until it makes sense for you. If the immediate income is your driver, then do what you need for that. Others have other drivers and their motivation is just as valid as your reasons for being down on it.

You asked specifically what gives one “faith” and then you criticized that the answers sounded like “faith”. I believe you have FOMO and you’re fishing to make sure you’re not missing out. That’s fine, but there’s no need to criticize and insult as you search your path.


Aspy, why are you still here? “I decided this was a lost and stupid project. I just left”. Yet, here you are :rofl: