Why Incorrect Passphrase Error on chia farm summary CLI Command?

Chia version: 1.3.4
OS: Ubuntu-20

I have set passphrase to my Chia blockchain software.
When I read finger prints by CLI using this command: **chia --passphrase-file FILE_PATH keys show**
All keys and finger print are read OK. but when I send other CLI Command which don’t need to send passphrase with them, Invalid passphrase message is read.

Other CLI Commands without passphrase

Farm summary
farm challenges
show -s
plotnft show

Following Same Response of ALL above

Incorrect passphrase
Unable to unlock the keyring:

Any help ? @findchia_support @support_chialands @chia4life @farmerofchia @Harvester @Findchia_Official

To access your wallet, farm or something that is somehow connected with your balance, you need to enter your passphrase. You need to that once you start the GUI/CLI. Maybe you missed something? Because it seems like everything should be fine and either you discovered a new bug or there is something you forgot to mention in your post.

I used same commands with old versions of chia and the results were OK.
Now Updated Chia to v1.3.4 by github and facing this issue.

On my other machine with same OS, I also updated chia to v13.4 by deb installer and no issue with these commands.

The problem is there where I updated chia with github.

Hm, that’s weird, I don’t think there are difference between those. But maybe try to reupdate/reinstall it the same way you did on the other machine? (if you do the reinstall, don’t forget to copy the database first, so that after installing you won’t wait long)