XCH Foundation Educational content Stock -Take

Following on from the XCH Foundation meeting about educational content, we are looking to stock-take all current places where this type of content can be found. Ie Spacefarmers, chia links etc.

Please try to break down what content can be found at each place so that we can start going through what links are broken or out of date and make an up to date list of content.

We can then move on to how this is maintained in the future.


Dear XCH foundation,

Thanks for hosting this important conversation.
As an admin for the SpaceFarmers wiki, I am familiar with the challenge of keeping educational content relevant and up-to-date.

These challenges generally revolve around the following themes:

  • Maintanance: How to keep up with the quickly-evolving technology? particularly towards beginners, it can be discouraging to the learning journey if content is out of date.
  • Accountability: How to create accountability in a “by the community, for the community” resource? For many, it is just a hobby.
  • Reliability: How do you ensure that the content provided is reliable and technically sound? It is important to find subject matter experts that can four-eye the content.

I am (pain)fully aware that within the wiki, there are many articles that are currently out of date. These pertain mostly to the “guides” and “ecosystem” sections, and much less to the “pool info” section, where we provide users with information about the features of the pool.

I hope that within the working group Documentation we can discuss these challenges and find a way for the community to self-organise resources to share educational information.

Any feedback on the wiki is welcomed, either in this thread or in the SpaceFarmers Discord server.