3% luck, no block from 3 weeks... I surrender, joined HPOOL with my few thousands plots

I am ChiaHODLer, I joined before the main net. Farmed solo from start, never even thought to join a “scampool” HPOOL.

Stats for today: 3% luck, no block from 3 weeks… I surrender, joined HPOOL with my few thousands plots.
I should earn > 20k USD per month, I literally earned 0 since Chia went on exchange. Then it was my last block.
Now I am on HPOOL and guess what? It doesn’t looks so bad.
Bram told “don’t join HPOOL” on last meeting, but to be honest - Bram and Gene are victims of their success - they didn’t believed that Chia will be a massive success.
I argued many times with Gene Hoffman about farming in the cloud (that this shouldnt be allowed by algorithm) - he always told that it is unprofitable, or will be unprofitable (long before the main net).
And farming on the cloud on the first days of main net wad the best deal in the history of deals.
Now they are telling “don’t use HPOOL”. You know what? I will.
They should predict a massive success and implement the pools before thr launching the main net.
I still believe in Chia, and I will continue to grow my netspace (also offering Chia disk plotting in the UK for a bargain price), but growing is impossible for someone who was a “fish” during the beginning of the main net and now is lower than a plancton - IF HE FARMS SOLO on May 2021.
Currently HPOOL is offering 1.1 XCH per DAY for every 1 PB - and it is a guaranteed thing.
I see that they banned some people, but for a few hounded usd per day I am willing to take a risk.


screenshot before the main net. I was a pretty fish, now I am smaller than a plancton with much bigger netspace.


I cannot disagree with you, i have been accompanying the largest groups of farmers and the complaints are widespread in several aspects.

  • Attack problems in the last 2 weeks
  • China traffic doubling every half day and most of the earnings are in their hands
  • Exponential growth in the chain has taken all small farmers out of the game.
  • Synchronization problems and generalized node search in the last week with version 1.1.5

Hoffman cannot speak ill of the project itself, but his acceptance of the problems and facts regarding the above points is 0.

There remains the question, how to earn income for Time and Space on a network that you can’t stay connected for 24 hours? Other problems, such as the validation of the winning block, which has a lot of discussion about it and is not conclusive.


That are good points.
On HPOOL you are always connected to their C&C botnet. And I am fine with that - no disconnections, no fighting for the node for synchronization (I had so big problems with sync that I setup a network of +10 VPS hosted in the UK, just to be online).
I know that I am joining the dark side - but the force is weak on devs, and the things that you said shows that they are not always right.



Safe pools not working for main net has been a huge let down !


I understand you point and I have to defend the Chinese at that moment, because they put a little organization and value in those who are investing in the project.

I changed my opinion this morning, when Hoffman banned me from Keybase for complaining about the sync problem that got worse since Saturday and the code of the last deploy is exactly with a problem with the network nodes.

The funny thing is that today one of the Devs who are maintaining the github, posted a fork of the project with a change to the timeout and and reconect delay in the project, but the 1.1.5 deploy is still there with a problem.

In addition, the Chinese applaud that they are holding the Chia project even though Hoffman is talking to small farmers who have been on the net for months, earning nothing, not going to the hpool. :joy:


Hey thanks man, really appreciate your feedback - they have it till the end of the month before they deliver the rest of us to the HPool too…

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I changed my opinion this morning, when Hoffman banned me from Keybase for complaining about the sync problem that got worse since Saturday and the code of the last deploy is exactly with a problem with the network nodes

Woah! I saw also a few topic removals on reddit.com/r/chia
Seems that they want to behave like the problem not exists!

The funny thing is that today one of the Devs who are maintaining the github, posted a fork of the project with a change to the timeout and and reconect delay in the project, but the 1.1.5 deploy is still there with a problem.

Can you send a link to this fork?

Are you telling me that they HAVE a working patch, but they are not pushing it to public, so people will have less chance to mine a block?

It is a strange coincidence, that me and most of my friends can’t mine a block with a newest 1.1.5 client…

Maybe let’s look for an answer between our ears, like Mr. Hoffman told when user asked him for help with configuration:


Btw, HPOOL seems to show earning stats hourly, I am very suprised! I know every hour how much I earned.
It is suprisingly open and user friendly
I used a turorial from youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PVlTlIapqF0


Are you telling me that they HAVE a working patch, but they are not pushing it to public, so people will have less chance to mine a block?

I was reading this huge post with a discussion on the subject on this link…

In the last comment, the user linked a Dev fchirica action with compiled code for windows and if you see the commits they are all in time control variables and connection delays.
Ps.: This code is create 12hours ago.

It is a strange coincidence, that me and most of my friends can’t mine a block with a newest 1.1.5 client…

I didn’t think about it that way, but we can include it in the list of doubts.

Woah! I saw also a few topic removals on reddit.com/r/chia
Seems that they want to behave like the problem not exists!

It is a basic information manipulation strategy, considering that the channels of communication and debate are divided, I personally think that our conversation will not stay here for the next 24 hours.

I am one of the lucky ones, About 1 week after I started I got 2 XHC. I haven’t seen anything since. But to be honest I don’t think most of the last weeks or so I’ve had a system that has been sync’d.

I think the idea of the blockchain is awesome, and I think its great how simple that have made it. I think Pools are also a great idea and am deeply interested in it, Mainly because it sounds like the everyday joe will be able to setup a pool.

Having said that, I don’t like the idea of Hpool. Not only does the whole setup sounds sketchy, I don’t like the idea of a decentralized system being effectively centralized. Given that is take little power and little time. For now I think the best bet is to set it an forget it!

My two cents.

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bugger it just joined hpool :weary: not seen a single win so not going to loose anything. still have my empty hdd’s on thready for new pool.

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Have 230 plots farming a few weeks and no joy. It is disturbing to hear the news above. U take your chances but if Chia don’t articulate and communicate clearly to the user base (re sync issues and pooling start times) the project will falter.

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I agree. I think silence is worse than bad articulated answers. I only imagine there to busy with the fists full of money.

I understand your point … but there are a few hundred users who earn chia per day in the network draw bonus, it is different from the yield per block of Chia’s algorithm.

And the fact is that you don’t invest in projects based on luck, and information and conversation with the community is always good to understand the feeling and experience of each one.

Regarding centralization, in the case of the hpool you centralize the farm, after earning your chias, you can send it to any wallet and that doesn’t kill the blockchain concept, I think they did something viable within the realm of the project moment.

This is interesting. I should see how my system is fairing in this respect.

Checked this out on my Linux Mint 20.1 system and (netstat -an | grep ESTAB) and I have a number of established connections. All good here.

Thanks for the youtube link, have been hesitant to join Hpool (mainly because i am such a noob and worry I wont get the signup right, haha) but closing in on 200 plots, of course 0 chia, and can seperate farming from plotting so will try connecting farms to Hpool and plot on a second machine and see how Chia pooling is implemented.

Thanks for sharing this. I’m currently seriously considering joining HPool. Preparing a new machine in a different network as a cold wallet so that I can join with an empty account.

Did you take any security precautions before you joined?

I have 2 networks currently: 1 for devices with my personal data and 1 for the rest such as IoT devices etc. My solo/hpool farming machine is on the latter.

I had already formatted that machine before I get involved with Chia so it’s a dedicated machine atm and I have no problem of wiping it off after I’m done with farming.

Unfortunately my router doesn’t support VLANs. So the machine still has access to everything else in the network. I’m looking into locking it down with firewall rules. Even if I can’t I don’t think it will be a show stopper for me.

I think the biggest mistake Chia Inc did was to come up with incompatible pools. I’m at about 400 plots and deleting and re-plotting all that feels very daunting at the moment. They have been designing and planning the project for years. I heard Bram said they already had hooks for pools when they launched. After all that planning they decided it’s ok for people to re-plot exabytes of data like it’s nothing.

Anyway, I’ll share my experiences too in case it helps anybody in one way or the other.


But of course, replanting exabytes of useless encrypted data is not relevant to the team of founders at Chia, because they are not the ones to do it.


I didn’t made any security precautions before joining hpool, i just sent all funds to different waller.
After 12 hours I can tell:

  • no desync issues
  • each 30 min I see how much I earned - the values are similar to those from chiacalculator
  • cpu usage is much higher - 60% - 100% on 7th gen i5
  • i received an email in the morning how much I earned (in Chinesse but it’s something
  • they are doing some checks on plots and there is a need to wait a few hours before plots will be visible on UI

i am happy, for now I wasn’t banned, we will see what will be during the withdraval.


You can also see how fast the netspace is still growing. Their payout was 1.54/PB before the weekend.
Now it’s down to 1.01