3% luck, no block from 3 weeks... I surrender, joined HPOOL with my few thousands plots

I joined hpool with only 80 plots. I won’t be playing this fffing gamble game that is to hope to get 2coins sometime, ever.
I much prefer to seeing the rewards coming every 30 minutes or so, even if so small, even if hpool pays the farmers really badly (so I’ve heard).
I am getting to 100 plots now and in another week or two ill have enough to withdraw 0.2
Will I be able to withdraw? well, I hope so!

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I had no problem with my first withdrawal from Hpool. Showed up much faster than I had anticipated. So far, very happy getting regular returns. With that being said, official pooling can’t come soon enough!

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good to know! I can’t wait to get my little withdraw too and prove to my wife that the 3 thousand dollars I convinced her that we had to spend is finally bringing some return lmao

agree too, official pooling can’t come enough, but I will definitely wait until the pool developers have built something stable and that works. So probably will be with hpool for 2-3 months.

may i ask how many plots u got?

Wise choice. Solo farm is not getting any revenue these days. And just get some from hpool. Even if later you get banned by HPOOL. You can still farm solo.

Somewhere between 69 and 420 TB :sunglasses: :laughing:

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What is worrying though is that Hpool, according to their own numbers is close to 50%
Seeing how their stuff works (actually counting online plots) means their number is probably more accurate than the estimate in Chia Explorer.

The poolsize just went up by 1EiB in 2 days.

Your CPU usage is so high in hpool when plotting or just farming?

Supporting decentralization has cost me dearly. I should have nettet around 16 chia in this period. Sigh. Oh well nobody said it would be easy.


Same for me!

I supported the network from the beginning,.setup a.vpses so people can connect faster, and today I received a ban on keybase for saying “chia is slower than this keybase.which is sort.of.achievement”

Support.yourself, decentralisation don’t care about you, or me.
Make a bag full of Chia and don’t look back.

amen to that bro. I hope you get all your the chias you want with hpool
and me too :innocent:

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BRO!! I’ve seen you around the CHIA community for a while now. This viewpoint is terribly short-sighted and will come back to bite you! You know this Saturday is the anniversary of bitcoin pizza day?? https://twitter.com/bitcoin_pizza :pizza:

Dude named lazlo bought two pizza’s for 10,000 BTC, those pizza’s would be worth hundreds of millions today!! He was shortsighted and it cost him dearly

As many other before and after you, giving away your keys may lead to you losing all your investment. It’s only been 2 months. CHILL - open a new wallet and be patient. The math is sound.

I’ve made back my entire investment in less than two months. 6 months is a VERY SHORT period of time.

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explain to me how he’s making his 10,000 XCH currently by harvesting outside of hpool

I’ve crossed to the dark side as well. Here are some notes from my “transition”:

  • Watched the YouTube video @chiahodler posted (thanks again for that). Even though the tutorial is using Windows GUI and I’m on Ubuntu CLI it was clear enough that I got everything up and running in about half an hour.
  • I’m only running the miner application, I will keep on plotting on other machines and will carry them over via sneaker-net.
  • Plotter application also has a function of creating a signed hash which asked me to give my 24-word seed phrase. It was a hard moment and had to think again before proceeding but I had emptied my wallet before installing anything so I think (and hope) it’ll be fine.
  • I was pleasantly surprised with the efficiency of the registration process.
  • In my mind the worst case scenario is I lose my Chia account which has 0 XCH and about 400 plots attached to it. I don’t think I stand a chance as a solo-farmer with that amount of plots. In order to join a pool I’d have to delete them anyway so I think I wouldn’t lose too much in the worst case scenario.
  • The machine running the hpool miner is running in a different network than my personal devices. In the case of malware spreading over the network or any other malicious behaviour I still wouldn’t lose critical data (again here’s hoping!).

I know there are some initiatives in this forum to create pools using the existing plots. If a more open and transparent option comes up I will consider moving over but until now I think I’ll keep with hpool (unless they stiff me or ban me for no reason!).

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Happy to have you here too. I see that this Chinese pool is on the market from 3 years - if they would want to scam people, they would just do that before and on mass scale.
From my point of view, with all bans and censorship from chia mods, thr Chinese people are much more legit and trustworthy than Chia dev team, mods and Mr. Hoffman together.


@durin how to use their plotter app in Mac ?
what commands and formats - is there any thread that is can follow to set that up ?

Using that video, I completed till the api part. But not sure how to proceed with plotting using their plotter.

Sorry, I can’t be helpful for that. Like I said above I only used plotter to create the signed hash, pasted in hpool website and never used it again.

There is an Apple software in the “dowoad center” when you will log in.

The problem is that this is just not true even though it’s being said a lot.

First of all, the pizza comparison doesn’t work here. Chiahodler is not spending his Chia, he’s making sure he earns them. Very different situation.

The thing about the private keys is…you can just make new ones.
Any pool you join will have control over the money you make there since they have to collect it and then distribute it to the members. Maybe the new Chia pool protocol will be different and you get your earning directly through the network, I don’t know the details but the pool operator usually has some role in it
They earning Hpool gives you, you can send to any wallet you like, anywhere in the world. So if you just withdraw regularly and send it to a separate wallet, there is no issue.

As most of us will be running out of farm space (and funds to buy more HDD’s) you need to replot anyway if you want to join a pool later on.

So for the plots signed to Hpool you have two choices:

  • keep them there (on a separate machine)
  • replot the space with your new keys.

Also I know plenty of people who have bought stuff with BTC in the past, like a guitar for a BTC amount that in todays value would be god knows how much. They didn’t do it because they where short-sighted but because they believed in Bitcoin as a currency and means of payment.

and that’s why Hpool is so big. It works and has successfully stepped in the gap that was left because there is no pooling protocol from Chia yet.


from what i have learned hpool takes 20% so it’s unlikely they would miss treat the goose that lays golden eggs for them… us being the goose.

if i can’t use the plots on new pools why not put them to work while pools are being set up. then compare my winnings on pools i’m on and see what is worth my time TBH i’m kicking myself now for not joining earlier

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The censorship by the developers on keybase is astonishing. Pointing out issues that exist (e.g. sync issues) in the #support channel gets you banned. It’s absurd.

I’ve even had moderators literally insult me and call me names in DM, before deleting the message within seconds so I cannot screen shot it.

Are they official employees? Because if Chia Network, Inc’s official employees are acting so childish and immature, then that really speaks badly of the project.

If they keep up this game, they are practically begging for someone to fork Chia (XCH): with:

  • zero pre-mine, just like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Monero
  • pooling support built in from day one

I bet thousands of smaller farmers would love to jump on the opportunity of a “new Chia”, with more fairness, and no 21 million XCH premine! After all, the code is open source.