Announcing Flexpool's FlexFarmer Open Beta: The Future of Chia Farming (Windows, Linux, Hive OS, Pi Chia Farmer)

If the plots are pool plots that are directed towards flexpool they should work fine

Am i the only one who thinks it has to be an option for using node sync, local wallet daemon? If the user wants to use them because he doesn’t trust flexpool servers unhackability then there is no reason to use this software. Every server is hackable. If that happens your all money might be gone. I know this software has low processor, ram usage and it’s awesome but i don’t think i will ever use this except there is an option for this.

I dont understand… You can use official chia software if you want? Or join another pool. Or use official chia software on flexpool.

I want low procesor, ram usage and have my own node, local daemon.

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And i want to win 2XCH everyday. LOL.
(Please make that happen flexpool :pray:)


You want the impossible and i want the possible. That’s the difference.

Well, I’ve been on Flexpool for 29 days. over half of the plots were created while on the pool. So, I am baffled as to the solution. :frowning:

If they are all NFT plots that are directed at us then there should be no problems…I know you asked on Discord and I’d suggest asking Alex or Robert under the flexfarmer channel.

Only the money unpaid on the pool would be gone we don’t have your wallet key.
As for having it all…that would require us to finish a node client which would be a crap load of work but has been discussed. That being said if people are unhappy with a closed source farmer they’d probably be more unhappy with a closed source node.

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I recently migrated to flexpool
My Chia app is working fine on RasbPi 4 and is farming.

But have difficulties setting up flexfarmer. I downloaded it and followed instructions from here:

Prior starting the config.yml, i closed Chia app.

I got the following multiple errors in the beginning:
WARN plots: Wrong farmer public key

Then the Current status is:
[2021-08-14 20:26:50] INFO worker: New signage point ch=9457853de676 elapsed=44.815µs eligible-plots=0 index=29 space=217.64 GB
[2021-08-14 20:26:50] INFO worker: Processed signage point elapsed=256.849µs plots=0 proofs=0
[2021-08-14 20:27:02] INFO worker: New signage point ch=9457853de676 elapsed=29.407µs eligible-plots=0 index=30 space=217.64 GB
[2021-08-14 20:27:02] INFO worker: Processed signage point elapsed=172.739µs plots=0 proofs=0
[2021-08-14 20:27:11] INFO worker: New signage point ch=9457853de676 elapsed=317.867µs eligible-plots=0 index=31 space=217.64 GB
[2021-08-14 20:27:11] INFO worker: Processed signage point elapsed=695.16µs plots=0 proofs=0
[2021-08-14 20:27:21] INFO worker: New signage point ch=9457853de676 elapsed=64.574µs eligible-plots=0 index=32 space=217.64 GB

Please advice?

Best to ask in our discord as we have a flexfarmer specific channel and most problems you can just search and find the solution for.

:fire: FlexFarmer v1.1.0 Released! :fire:

What’s new?

  • Advanced healthcheck-based failover that delegates to https://<REGION_ENDPOINT>/healthy. This failover covers 100% of possible infrastructure-wide incidents (includes issues with the Chia node). This addresses FlexFarmer not failing over during the node issues we had a week ago.
  • Only a single plot is being added/removed if there is a change in the plot set.
  • Instant plot hot-reload via fsnotify. (plot_recheck_interval directive in the config is no longer effective).
  • Fixed Windows AntiVirus software flagging FlexFarmer as malicious:
    • UPX binary compression was removed
    • Debug info is now included to the FlexFarmer binary.
  • Fail if no plots are available.
  • Fix possible panics during concurrent block submission.

Download links

On Get Started page: Farm Chia (XCH) using FlexFarmer |

Linux x86_84:
Linux ARM64:
Windows x64:

Verifying legitimacy of the downloaded software

All our download archives are signed by our FlexFarmer Code Signing GPG key located at The software signatures are available at .sig prefix of the download archive (e.g.

This is current resource usage. Flexfarmer 2.0 now in closed testing will cut this even further through a rewritten and optimized POS that corrects a lot of mistakes and eliminates redundancies. I don’t fully understand it but I’ve been told it cuts IOPS by half leading to a significant increasing in drive lifespan, decrease in data usage, and decrease in hdd power use+heat.

So the normal PoS lookup process is about ~60 IOPs. Bringing that down to 30 would be impressive, but it would not:

  1. Increase HDD lifespan
  2. Significantly decrease data usage
  3. Decrease HDD power usage or heat

The only thing that would do those things is letting the drives to go to sleep, which would result in missed proofs no matter how good the code waking the drive up is.

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What I believe he means is decreased data transmission on connections but I honestly am not sure. Will make sure that I understand it perfectly before the official release+announcement.

Upgrade went well for me.

I would greatly appreciate a Raspberry tutorial to setup FlexFarmer. I tried all steps, but it is not working. Anyone willing to create it or share it?! Thank you in advance!!


I installed flexfarmer on a pi with ubuntu last month,
following the install-guide for linux.

What problems did u have?

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I had permission issues with flexfarmer, and also an error in the config.yml. Chia’s discord and telegram forums proved to be very helpful! Thank you for your support as well!!

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