Bladebit GPU plotter - beta

Download the alpha 3 version and unpack the file:

then open a terminal in the directory where the unpacked bladebit is located and run the command:

./bladebit_cuda -f [farmer public key] -c [pool contract address] -n [number of plots to make] --compress [compression level 1-7] cudaplot [destination directory]

./bladebit_cuda -f xch123 -c xch123 -n 1 --compress 1 cudaplot /media/user/plotdisk

  • To make uncompressed plots, just leave out the --compress option (or use --compress 0)
  • Need 8 GB GPU memory, and 256 GB system RAM
  • Installing Nvidia driver version 530 is required in some cases (sudo apt install nvidia-driver-530)
  • If you make only one plot, it will take a long time because it first has to allocate the memory, so recommended to make more than one plot in a row.


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I knew you would like that!!!
Where are the Beta’s???

thank you very much.

Yes buffer allocation takes time.

After that I got error
CUDA error: 13 (0xd ) cudaErrorInvalidSymbol : invalid device symbol

Where to get 530 driver?
I did sudo apt install nvidia-driver-530

It says
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
nvidia-driver-530 : Depends: nvidia-dkms-530 (= 530.30.02-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Hardware works for Gigahorse
Z620 older model, E5-2630 V1 CPU, 256GB DDR3, 1080 8GB GPU.

Yeah that error is the nvidia driver error.

Maybe try sudo apt update first and then try again to install the nvidia driver

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I just remembered that I had a similar problem trying to install the nvidia driver and had to first uninstall everything.

sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Then try the 530 driver install again, or follow below instructions which is what I did.

(this is for ubuntu 22.04)

Then restart

Using Ubuntu has taught me this: Windows ain’t that bad after all :rofl:


I will wipe the OS hard drive and start from the beginning. Thanks!

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The error 13 was resolved by reinstalling the nvidia drivers & cuda:

I have 22 Ryzen9 with 128 GB … can’t do anything.
But i choose to plot gigahorse

The best DRIVER for Bladebit Plotting + farming after…

DRIVER NVIDIA 530 pt 22.04. - Pt PLOTTING + Farming.

wget mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600


sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-1-local_12.1.0-530.30.02-1_amd64.deb

sudo cp /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-1-local/cuda-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install cuda

so 128Gb of memory isn’t enough for plotting?

With BLADEBIT – 128 GB – NO

Only 256 GB + GPU or 419 GB w or w/ GPU

I thinked to do it, but, chia ui do not recognize gigahorse plotted plots…

Not yet, True!

but I splitted my entire farm in 2, and half of it I m replotting on Gigahorse plots and farming with flexfamer - go and read about it.

its a very small script, turns your harvester into a farmer standalone connnected to flexpool.

be carefull about C8 level. It eats good Watts

is it in plans to make it possible?

Whats is ur question?

are there any prospects on making it work with 128Gb? 64Gb?

128GB support will come in phase4, they are currently starting phase 3 (GPU farming).
So it will take a few months…

i see thank you very much

I am a little bit lost where we stand, can I use GPU with the current alpha farmer or is it only CPU at this point?

Which current beta? Chia only has an alpha 3 out, I’m waiting for the beta to hit the shelf

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