Bladebit GPU plotter - beta

@Voodoo , is the farmer shared in this post supposed to work with compressed plots? I am running the the ubuntu version and farmer is not giving any error but spacepool is observing lower pool space. May be it is a different issue but can I get a confirmation that 1.7.1rc3-dev47 farmer supports compressed plots via CPU?

As far as I know that version is currently the only one that has the compressed plot support.

It has however also an issue with high cpu load on various systems, bug that is being worked on.

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simurg… the Ubuntu build of that version (-dev47) doesn’t handle compression (I found out the hard way as well)… chia-blockchain-cli_1.7.1rc2-dev26-6a966913-1_amd64.deb works for compressed plots on Ubuntu but is cli only.

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it’s the one I’m using…

Anyway, here’s the thing.
If you want to start plotting and farming compressed plots before the release. Joining the beta program is probably the way to go.
Although the point there is of course not to get a head start but to help with testing and bug finding.

But outside of the beta program there is not really any support available right now.

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Applied for beta for almost a month, no response anyway. Chia team is truly so out of touch. Cannot even make a working demo.

Currently using 1.7.1 as full node and fc.compression branch from source as harvester only for compressed plots works like a charm (e5 2680 for harvesting on c5 plots)

What did you use to make the compressed plots? Windows or Linux and what version of bladebit_cuda?

bladebit alpha3, debian

I made some compressed plots in windows and ran chia plot check and they were all bad. Was told it’s a known problem and there working on a fix, that was three weeks ago. :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face:

Is there a limit or prereq for joining to beta program? I signed up on Keybase and apply to join to the group but no approval so far :frowning:


PiB sized and a slant toward devs I think: Help Test BladeBit 2.0 with our New Chia Beta Program - Chia Network


I you filled out this form:

And no reply (within a week), just hit up someone in the farming or support channel on keybase and ask them to check it out, that seems to be the way.


Which release is that? I downloaded this from the dev branch and it doesn’t recognize the compressed plots…


Thanks mate!

only 1.7.1rc3 supports compressed plots (CPU farming) for now…

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Not a release, this branch GitHub - Chia-Network/chia-blockchain at fc.compression
Installed from sources, fc.compression supports CPU farming compressed plots.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong here… still not working…

Downloaded this one: chia-blockchain_1.7.1rc3-dev48-78dfb291_amd64.deb

Both the full package with GUI for the Full Node and the CLI for the harvester. Connection between harvester and full node farmer is up and running, but it’s not detecting the compressed plots. Is there anything in the config.yaml that needs to be edited? I can’t see anything accordingly…


figured it out: the only one working right now is this:


So definetely bladebit alpha3 is not ok at the moment.
ramplot with zero compression is not working, produces invalid plots every time.

gpuplot with zero compression:
15 out of 51 plots are invalid, with bad quality
one need to test them with at least -n 500 to see it.
Anyone else with the same observations?

yes with higher -n values of several 100 plots or more in a row this was a problem (on github somewhere).
I’ve just been plotting in a rows of 250 (by happy coincidence) and haven’t had an issue yet.

If you build it from source now, it should be fixed. (or wait for the next alpha release)

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I have plotted around 1000 plots with C7, no issues…