Chia vs Forks (Inputs Please)

agree on most of the sentiments here, flax is the only reasonable one so far, and i actually like it more than chia, because of the absurd prefarm/business paper that chia ran with that never felt like the spirit of decentralized crypto coins where the miners are doing the network security.
flax kept it somewhat reasonable although i think theres room for a 0 prefarm community fork that everyone can support.

Oof. Chives just updated their webpage (either that or Iā€™m blind).

Need to Replot(Can not use chia plots)

Makes me think thrice about it now.

Itā€™s a show stopper.

hi, can we already farm chives? I can not find any application. From where can I get chives wallet address to put it here -

I found two new forks today:
Both compatible with Chia plots.

2 Likes without premine. I mine 4 forks

Thanks for the heads-up, took me half an hour to add both as LXCs lol. Might as well automate it in the future

Flax is a fork of chia, so the chia developers have written a lot of code that is also used in flax.

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Thanks. Thatā€™s why I retracted my post a few seconds after realising that. Somehow either it was still visible or you were too quick. :slight_smile:

Either way thanks for the clarification.

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Iā€™m trying chives but nothing is happening. The syncing does not start, although the GUI says connected.

Also all my plots show up as invalid. Is replotting for chives really necessary? Can we even farm yet?

Chives requires replotting. Old plots doesnā€™t work

That is a bummer. What are your expectations for Chives?

Okay so just to get this straight - I have around 300 chia plots, I can install flax and farm them simultaneously and earn flax for example? How do we separate keys and so on?

You have to install flax GUI & use the same mnemonic key like in Chia to farm on the same plots. Thatā€™s why itā€™s nice to have cold wallets.

Sure. I have a cold wallet for Chia rewards (none so far) but the idea of putting my private key into some other app seems risky. I guess it is with Chia, and entirely dependent on whether flax or whoever value the users trust and are willing to build a reputation.

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With the 6 Chia/forks is there a place to cold wallet them without having to do it for each fork?
So much tracking :confused:

Awesome! Feel free to send me one or two XFX :grinning:

If you did a different cold wallet for all clones that would be more work.
If youā€™re happy that itā€™s all secure, you could just use one address to send it all to.
So long as you have the pvt key it would be valid for that address on every chain, no?

I have uninstalled Chaingreen. On their discord, I questioned their difficulty, coin output rate before and after the fork, their lack of a blockchain explorer, and asked if we actually had a correct total network size yet.

Not only were my questions avoided or unanswered but they deleted the entire conversation. Fundamental questions are not allowed at Chaingreenā€™s discord. EDIT: part of the conversation re-appeared.

I have become more concerned about Chaingreen since their disastrous fork and difficulty change.

Before the fork, it appears that they were attempting a quiet pre-mine. They pumped out over 1% of their coins before they had to fork. They would have run out of coins in 9 months instead of 9 years at that rate.
EDIT: I was given the above numbers early by a mod at cgn discord. shianry gave me the link to a Chaingreen explorer which shows the numbers were not correct.

Their estimated total network size was smaller than my individual plots. Now we have no idea of how fast coins are being distributed or to where. We have a network size, but do not know if it is correct. Chaingreen still has no blockchain explorer or we could answer some of these questions ourselves.

Either through ineptitude or fraud, Chaingreen is a fail. No blockchain explorer, crazy difficulty, netspace still questionable and more. I question both their honesty and ability.

I have uninstalled Chaingreen.

The only fork left standing at my place is Flax. Iā€™m still open to other forks, but most have proven to be a waste of time and some are dangerous.

Play safe!


Here are some explorer: