Controls on the Prefarm

No one should invest one more penny into buying or farming XCH until proper controls are put on the prefarm. Who is with me?

If you are farming with unprovisioned space you don’t have to vote.

Why doesn’t Chia Inc lock up the prefarm so it can’t only be spent over 10 or 20 years. Gene said he expects the prefarm to last 30 to 50 years. Put your XCH where your mouth is!

Remember the people drawn to crypto have trust issues. Why should we trust you? We have the technology to do immutable time locks. Use it. Make it so we don’t have to trust you and you will never here complaints about the prefarm again (and as a bonus xch investment will increase)

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The vast majority of the pre farm is, and has been for a couple of years, in a 90 day timelock. It’s such a good idea that we did it years ago :rofl:

Try some different FUD.


I have been out of the loop for a while so please correct me if I am asking already answered questions.

How much exactly is, “the vast majority”?
Are Chia Inc. employees paid in part or all from the pre-farm?
How does a good 90 day lock engender trust in the safe owner’s use of the contents?

The custodial tool is just a key with time delay options. I very quickly reviewed the custody tool description and it appears to have many options and actions other than and shorter than 90 days. How is this lock and key used to reduce or control expenditure of the pre-farm?

Is this information public anywhere?

Why do you first respond to people who have questions with such anger? You accused me of lying and jmac of spreading FUD without answering the questions we asked. Instead you namecall, side-step and mis-direct.

jmac asked why should we trust you? He did not ask if you had a good lock and key. He asked if there was a was to ensure that the pre-farm was not spent in under ten years.

I believe that you have to pay your salaries and other expenses from the pre-farm. Am I wrong?

If this is the case, what happens to Chia Inc. and xch once the pre-farm is spent?

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7/8ths of the pre farm are locked like that.

A fact that’s easy to find if you did even a little research.

And I’m not angry, I’m laughing at your attempts to FUD.

Does Justin Sun pat well or are you short?

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Hint. There is a well known community created website that tracks all this in real time.

If you’d been in the community very long you’d know the link but I’m not going to tell you to embarrass you into earning your FUD by finding it.

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Well aware. Kind of meaningless when it can be rekeyed in 15 days.

What I am asking for is a set long term unlock schedule over a minimum of 10 years with real immutability.

10% a year over 10 years or 5% a year over 20 years.


You literally either don’t understand how the pre farm controls work and are lying to people. We can change who can sign but that doesn’t change that they can not sign a transaction that will take less than 90 days to complete.

And no. You can lock your farming rewards first.

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If you can rekey you can update the singleton that controls the drop but this cant be verified as it is not public.

In any case it doesn’t really matter. In either 15 days or 90 days we can be rug pulled. You could mask it as an attempt to update custody so even the heads up the prefarm was moving was meaningless.

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That’s not how it works - anyone can audit transactions. See here. You can also do it through developer tools such as or trust stl to do it via

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He’s so invested in XCH he can’t even do the research to understand how the pre farm works :face_with_monocle:


You lied about prefarm controls. You said the entire prefarm would be rate limited and then you removed the ability.

This is what you deleted:
@click.option(“-r”, “–rate”, help=“Mojos that can be withdrawn per second”, required=True)


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Sorry but no. Rate limiting isn’t the clawback time lock - which is what enforces the 90 day delay in the deployed custody singleton.

You really should learn how this stuff works if you want your trolling to be more credible.


Yes but you could have structured the deployed custody singleton to include rate limits on the entire prefarm as you promised. I have screenshots from keybase

You also promised no prefarm sales before the IPO

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The pre farm strategy isn’t changing but let’s explore a counter factual.

Once the FTX implosion halted our likely next equity financing we could do two and only two things. What we did.

Or, a bankruptcy court would have handed the pre farm to investors after paying any last remaining expenses with it. Development would have stopped almost completely and the investors would have dumped on all of us.

Let go of pipe dreams about making us do stupid things and either farm and buy or sell and never look back.

Otherwise you’re just a troll.

Not yet.

I will give you that ftx was a black swan out of your control forcing your hand with regards to selling before the IPO.

But you do have the option at anytime to move the entire prefarm into a rate limited custody solution as promised.


Yes which is why this has always been an ICO. The investors bought the prefarm. In the event of a bankruptcy it goes to them. If it was in a rate limited immutable custody solution they could only dump it at that rate.


from reddit:

With built in Anti-Rug-Pull Technology™

Its kinda funny how Bram specifically had to say “the biggest reason for the rate limit wasn’t for security, but to ease the concerns of a rug pull”

It’s kinda funny how the rate limit was deleted. NOT!



People are being misleading and trying to spark stupid fear. We never said we would rate limit the pre farm. We considered it but decided not to for lots of reasons.

We did make it so nothing can change without a 90 day period elapsing after that change.

Pre farm policy isn’t changing.

The good news is that we currently expect we will not need to sell any more of the pre farm sometime this calendar year.

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No. No coins were initially offered. Like literally can’t meet the definition you misleading fool.

True but it has the same effect. Investors have claim to any assets created.