Xch enterprise research report

A new research report has been published. Do you own research. They are considered the “Bloomberg of crypto”

That’s not normal anymore

I can’t find the new report from Messari; do you happen to have a link?

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You have to be an enterprise subscriber. Did you try signing up? They give weekly reports. I cannot post the pdf legally (and they probably have a way of tracking via subtle watermarking like apple does to catch leakers)

If you want alpha you have to pay for it. I am just explaining what is happening behind the scenes.

But then please describe it a little more formally and based on facts so that you can understand it if you have to be a subscriber yourself to read it.

I already did but I suspect you flagged it. You will have to buy the report.

This is sounding more like an ad than anything useful.


Many words of wisdom there from the ex CEO of messari. As long as one entity controls most of xch it will backfire

In today’s time and society, there are more unpleasant and bad things that are kept quiet than the few things that are published or told to us.
Messari, somehow with this paid subscription, is in a very limited form of thinking about a technical news service.
Some people think along and others think against it, which leads to a restriction of message transmission, as in the case with Messari.

In this case, bad things that are kept secret in society mean the everyday events surrounding people and fellow human beings. Any form of existence and there is more bad, with silent accompaniment, than information, or communication, no matter where and at what level, to improve or prevent such cases.
Type-specific individuals such as Messari place more emphasis on commercial understanding, subscribers than operating a news platform, thematic diversity and generality.
Complete nonsense and of no use.
Forward-looking research and similar models of this type of information will no longer be expected, Messari.

Okay and the CEO of Messari is who?
A hipster who became aware of the topic of cryptocurrency forms through social media at some point in the mainstream times of Bitcoin on Bitcoin and feels particularly efficient and educated because he bought Bitcoin sometime in 2014 and then came up with the idea of ​​publishing a news platform called Messari , whose readers have to pay to collect literally stalked information from all corners of the world from Bitcoin to Ethereum and Co.?

You are right. Thanks.

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The basic idea of ​​Messari was probably something similar.

Have you no shame? Are you proud of yourself for pumping and dumping?

Stay polite and accurate.
What I have described was not something I conjured up from heaven.

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I was also thinking yesterday that some answers were created by Ki.
Especially from the new DeepSeek model, which appears to be a little more dominantly and more brutal developed than the other variations.

I read a story yesterday and the answer was definitely not what a Ki usually answered.

What is/was a “Messari”?
Why do we care about it or an ex-CEO of it?