How to create a genesis block (I'm starting an alt-chia)

sir,i try like this,but still doesn’t work.
1.fork flax code.
2.just change port in the init yaml,but not change genesis info

3.change NUMBER_ZERO_BITS_PLOT_FILTER =1,change difficult =1

4build in win and linux,run all service(include timelord) in linux,run client in win
5.add node ip to each and connect

6.ready 3 plot file(101GB/per) and add to plot path for two win machine(1,2distribution)
7.but 3 hours later,it still no height 0~1block generate,why?any wrong in my
operate?it looks like if we want ploting ,we should make net synced.

even i change 60 to 600

1 you don’t need two machines, one linux machine is ok
2 once you get your genesis block , it is still not Synced,it is too be change long hours after have serveval blocks and other node.
3 you can try in one linux. Don’t care Status, just focus on the genesis block.
4 Before you get genesis block, you can see here to monitor the process.
5 3 plots is too tiny

You can use my GitHub GitHub - HiveProject2021/chives-blockchain: Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, timelord, and wallet)
I prepare 12T to boot up.
Monitor the proof records, too easy and too difficult both not make the genesis block.
Need a balance with you numbers of your plots.

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thank you for your reply,sir!My linux disk is too small,win disk is big enough ,could i run timelord in linux,but 10t plot for potting in win ?Does it as the same?

Yes, it also worked.

thank you sir,i will have a try

1 3T plot is enough.
2 wait for sync is not relative to make genesis block.
3 once have records in Last Attempted Proof, means it works.

Hi Boss,

Do you know how to deloy introducer node in Ubuntu?

It is no file exists?

node type include full node and introducer, these are different type.

Please help !!!

DNS Introducer?provid ip node?

Do you see that you can start a introducer without extra installation?

$ chia start --help
Usage: chia start [OPTIONS] [all|node|harvester|farmer|farmer-no-

  -r, --restart  Restart running services
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

As @George mentioned, you can also setup a static domain that resoves to all your public nodes…

It is very easy.
Thanks so much.

How to setup dns-introducer? For flaxnetwork if lookup using command > nslookup, will showing the list of node. Just tried the code from but it’s not working with chia.

Go to your domain management of your hoster and add for every full node a A/AAA record with the desired domain. All A/AAA record will have the same domain, so that if you resolve that domain, for example with nslookup, you will get a list of ip addresses of all your full nodes.

1 go see the debug.log file
2 you said you used window, did you repacking it in windows?

Now, I just try to restart the chain use Just one plot.
It have found proof but not genesis block made. Just wait a day to see the result.

Your Linux Verion? Ubuntu 20?

yes, Ubuntu 20,and i build client in windows,because linux computer disk is too small

3T plot files ,i wait one day already,but no proof…Sir,could your give me your chat id?telegram or we chat