Hpool website change - Legit or Hacked?

Over 1 EiB of plots have been removed from Hpool over the last 24 hours. Crazy.


Seems like they’re having a big issue with people not being access to access website, miner not connecting. Well we can only hope for the best. Just have to wait for which website to go to. Lol.

Meanwhile, farming solo until this is fixed.

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I’ve had no problem with the HPool miner client. It has been running just fine. It never stopped working to my knowledge. The website does appear to be a legit move to a new domain (hpool.co). It has been updated on all their pool listings and was also announced on twitter (after the fact). I have logged in and it all looks good.

didn’t have any trouble either, both miners kept running and the new website shows all the same statistics as before

Thanks both Wolf and Voodoo. I’ll try again.

If you don’t mind, how much is weekly or daily earning per 10TB on Hpool?

Probably about 0.50-0.70$ per day.

Crazy!! What are the best practices to do when pool protocol will be release?

At the end, every farmer will have dozen of wallet keys!! Key for the key

Maybe this has to do with the reported crypto crackdown in China? I.e. changed their site to hide their operation and/or moved to a non-Chinese host? Similarly, the mentioned missing plots may be from Chinese miners?

Account registration suspended 2021/06/22

The business is upgrading, the account registration is temporarily closed, and will be reopened after the upgrade is completed.


Found link to bulletin at top of HPOOL Chia Calculator page https://hpoolchiacalculator.com/ mentioned earlier.

I am going to say the change to www.hpool.co is legit. I was able to successfully withdraw Chia from the new site :slight_smile:

I will say www.hpool.co is legit. I have just successfully withdrawn Chia to my wallet.

is there any way to register for hpool yet?

Registration is closed while they upgrade and no time table was given when it will be open again.

withdrawed Chia to my wallet yesterday. Everything as normal.

withdraw to my yesterday too

i had made a withdrawal today and got it within 2 hours

Anyone facing connection to Hpool be it via GUI or Console?
Saw an error message that the process and connection was terminated by Hpool via Console. about 30 mins ago.

Ever since then, plots are all there but seem to have no connection.

I’ve since i started on hpool some of this message per day:
time="2021-06-29T18:19:32+08:00" level=error msg="read message fail" error="read tcp 172.19.XXX.XXX:34146->203.107.XXX.XXX:7001: use of closed network connection" f7="{loggers.go,logging.CPrint,156}" f8="{server.go,websocket.(*Server).connect.func1,111}" f9="{asm_amd64.s,runtime.goexit,1371}" tid=830352
But farming does work like expected…

Same for me, I see those errors come by every now and then, but farming is working fine